Saturday 4 May 2013

New job?

Now I'm not sure who reads these, so my aim may be a bit off with regards to content and detail etc. Who are you people in America? The stats say quite a few from the USA are reading these!

This week was peculiar, as I was leaving my lone thinker role behind to become part of  the local sales team. This is following the mass exodus of several people from the office, who I was ever so fond of. Yes, I am a ridiculously soft hearted oaf! :D

Now I've worked in the same office since the beginning of December, so you'd think that this would be quite a simple thing. Switching jobs not staying whilst your mates have to go. But it was kind of like starting a new job as I'd always worked by myself until now. Also the office felt totally different with so few people in it...

Anyway lets not dwell on that, in the words of the late great Bernie Mac "let's move on"

So I get in ready to rock n roll,  for those Simpsons fans out there picture homer running into the hospital when Grandpa needed a kidney. But I'm met with the same plan I've been wrestling with for several months now. Think I've got it sorted now, fingers crossed. So once I'm done I crack on with some marketing research. Those of you who have done this will know the joys of it all too well, I now know what you mean!

The next day brought more calls than I had ever made in my life, my ears were actually a little sore from wearing a headset. I think this might be because I have rather large ears but then again I do have quite a large head. I think my ears just stick out a little more than most. Day 1 of calls done and I drive home in a bit of a daze. I'm really not used to speaking that much, man of few words.

I realise that if you've read any of my posts and never met me then you are going to find that hard to believe. For some reason I am terribly succinct in person and exponentially more verbose in writing!

I park up in the drive and walk purposefully towards the front door. Any guesses as to what is waiting for me on the doorstep?

It's a pheasant pacing back and forth, an adolescent male by the looks of it. The fearful fellow is too scared to go anywhere as I am now blocking his exit vector. I stand and stare rather bemused by his running back and forth on the doorstep. I take a step back and he makes a run for it, straight to the shrubs!

The following day I attend Marc's birthday dinner, he's annoyingly late. I was so annoyed I had two starters! It was nice to see everyone again, except Eleanor B she's living it up in the hashish capital of the world ;-) Thoroughly nice evening only spoilt by my consuming carbs, damn you tasty, toasted bread!!!

I experience something that the asians amongst you will have witnessed plenty of times with your parents when exiting a family friends house. The general loitering at/near the door. We must've stood for a good 5 mins chatting outside before finally tearing ourselves away to go our separate ways.

In the following days I reconciled some differences in numbers, made many more calls, manned up, booked some appointments, more research,spotted a mistake, consulted an old friend, realised I am not so detached.

The highlight of the week was seeing how flustered Mark got when he almost sent a scan to the owner of the company instead of himself :P

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