Saturday 18 May 2013

Existential funk...

No extra countries to add this week. But I think I may have solved the mystery of who is reading this in Russia. Someone on, russian facebook, is sharing this! Who are you mystery russian facebook sharing person?

What can I tell you about this week? Remember I mentioned that the the two sales teams are being merged into one big sales team here. See I did mention it! Anyway it finally happened. Those of you upto date will know the office was shrunk from nine to three. Now we're back up to six, not quite the good old days but it sure is nice to have more people in the office.

Some of you may know that I do dabble in a some kriya yoga, meditation etc. Had a glimpse this week, nothing earth shattering but a little clarity. Won't go on about it as it is rather difficult to explain and I know I tend to go on a bit in these posts anyways!

Couple of opportunities sprang up, one conventional and the other unlike anything I've ever done before.

I was seeking out another unrelated opp and was totally I was ready to fling myself into the unknown but the it won't materialise regardless of how hard I try! Guess I'll just have to be patient or try harder. Haven't figured out which'd be the better bet. Any thoughts from you lot out there reading this?

Had a bit of a chat with this guy on twitter. If you go here, watch the whole vid. Can you pick out the line that pretty much encompasses how you should live your life? Just a little challenge, if you're feeling up for it.

I've got the week off next week, so I'll be at my desk studying. After 26 years I think I may have had enough of this exam malarkey.

Paraphrase from Plutarch: Lead by fate or dragged by it?

Our free will extends to an extent but really we are bound by the situation within which we exist.

Sounds all airy fairy right? Humour me and try this tack - If someone knows the precise location and momentum of every atom in the universe, their past and future values for any given time can be calculated.

If you take a small closed system and know all the variables within it you can predict what will happen. Right? The universe is a system that we can understand, to some extent. But in size and complexity I think we’ve been defeated.

Slow lean towards determinism but where does that leave free will? There is a hole in this, thanks to Mr. Heisenberg and his uncertainty principle. Position and momentum can't be known simultaneously. But just because we can't measure it does it necessarily make it untrue?

Short n sweet this week I know but I'm feeling uninspired and a little angry if I'm honest. I have a good idea what this is stemming from. But it is something of an irrational root so I am quite confused as I am a very rational person.

Dr. Who! So I did this last week and I'm doing it again this week. Forgive me! So just finished watching this weeks Dr. Who so who thinks he's the Doctor triumphant? Remember when Davey Tennant tried to save that lady from Mars? We saw a glimpse of him not giving a damn and rampaging a bit. This one seems more stoic so I'm not so sure we'll ever get to see a badass character busting Doctor. Also seeing as Matt Smith is bowing out round Christmas time does that mean this fella will be stepping in?

Funny thing about Dr. Who lot's of determinism, things that will happen etc. peculiar really.

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