Saturday 11 May 2013

I can run! No wait...

Well, well, well the UK, US, Russia, German, Australia, Indonesia, Mauritius and New Zealand all have someone reading what I've written. Now the UK I can understand as well as Aus, NZ and Mauritius. But who are you mystery readers from the rest of the world? Not that I don't appreciate the international interest, I'm just curious to know who you all are :D Don't be shy leave a shiny comment ;-)

What did I do this past temperate bank holiday weekend I hear you cry?!?! Something adrenaline pumping, mind expanding and maybe a little life threatening is what you're expecting no doubt. But I spent it sat at my desk going ever exam questions. Facebook became something of a torture device as I would see updates of BBQs, picnics, people climbing mountains, camping and general frolicking in the sunshine!

This frustration eventually exploded resulting in me gearing up and heading out for a run. Now probably sounds like something of a non event to those of you out there who jog on a regular basis. Not sure if it's jogging or yogging it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. I've been mincing about with a back injury since February so my cardio has pretty much gone out the window. And anyone reading this who knows me will know that "I don't really do endurance"

  • Overpriced running shoes - check
  • White socks - check
  • Shorts - check
  • Tshirt - check
  • Stopwatch - check
  • Goggles - check
  • Hat - check
You've read that right I do don a pair of goggles whilst running, the look like this:
I was given them for free when I bought a lab coat whilst I was masquerading as an engineering student, '05-'07.

As soon as I start everything feels great, no pain anywhere, total ease of movement. After about 5 minutes I pick up the pace when I spy something awesome!

It's a massive auger :D now I don't know why I'm so happy to see this industrial sized piece of machinery but I think it maybe because when I set out on this jog never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would spy an auger!

I finish the two miles in just under 20 mins which is slow I know but cut me a little slack I'm weary from battle. As soon as I stop my lunch makes a valiant attempt to escape via my mouth, I fight it back down and begin pacing in an effort to cool down. I get in and change from my running shorts to a different pair of shorts that I wear round the house. Yep from shorts to shorts, crazy, that's how I'm living!

Strange times at work as I was switched from one sales team to another. Not much different if I'm honest sales is sales! The teams have now been merged into one big team, big team! I have however come to the conclusion that I may have a faulty inner thermostat, is there a word for this? There must be! Everyone in the office is boiling hot whilst I am, what can only be described as, suitably temperate. If they're all at the right temp I'm freezing.

My beard, ah my beard how I am so very fond of thee. The goatee is no more it has been replaced by a suitably menacing beast, the exam beard. It's still in the awkward, itchy, not quite long enough to be a proper beard phase. But the exam is a good few weeks away so it should be rather glorious by the day :D That was the case when I first wrote this but the beard has now come in nicely check out the twitter for a pic :D

Was given the opportunity to leave the my wonderful, windowless office for a day to travel up to Durham. It's all top secret because it involves a new product but there is a website for it so I'm not so sure how secret it is. I went up there picked up a load of samples and brought them back so the sales team could get familiar with the new product that they'd be selling. The trip should have taken three hours there and three hours back. But I somehow managed it in 4.5 hours, not because I'm a youth speeder but because traffic was gloriously sparse!

Youth speeder is a term coined by the wonderful Mrs. Waldron, one of my A level biology teachers at Spalding High school. We were discussing our trips home and Claire mentioned that she often tried to keep pace with me on the way home but could not. I've got a bit of a lead foot and I overtake at every opportunity. Mrs. Walrdon's reaction to this comment was "hmmm Myooran are you a bit of a youth speeder?" She couldn't recall the term boy racer so she coined the infinitely better youth speeder :D

The week was a blur of phonecalls, driving, sun, rain and wind that'd blow your hat off! Rather terrified of next week as I will be doing something totally new, also top secret but there isn't a website so you'll all just have to wait n see :D

An addition which may come as something of an annoyance so apologies in advance. I've not really been enjoying the new season of Dr. Who, dunno why it just hasn't had the same impact. But the last two episodes have been rather awesome! Just found out the Neil Gaiman wrote the last one! There were rumours going round that one of the Dr.'s incarnations was supposed to rather nasty. With the cyberplanner taking over we got to see a little of what that'd be like, glorious :D I did also love the speedy cybermen, Warwick Davis generally being awesome, and the borgishness of upgrading humans.

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