Friday 24 May 2013


You must be the change you want to see in the world.

My life is my message.

Both accredited to Gandhi, something maybe lost in translation not sure.

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself. - Nietzsche

The omission of good is no less reprehensible than the commission of evil.- Plutarch

A day that never came
But has managed to spoil every game

One day that takes all the blame
The basis of all fear and shame
Cripples the blossoming of life's flame
A spoiler that makes life a dream
Traps the limitless in a limited seam

A day that never comes
But the world it rules - Sadhguru

The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. - Muhammad Ali

This week has also been a bit of a blur. This was my week "off" but I spent it cramming all financial accounting back into my head! As a result I was not witness to the departure of one of the most awesome people I have ever met. Kind, thoughtful, eloquent, knowledgeable the list goes on. Never gets easier does it when amazing people walk out of your life. But she is heading for something she wholeheartedly wants to do so I can at least take solace in that! :D

Also she had quite a send off with what I can only describe as the loudest shirt I have ever seen ever! SJW I salute you sir! Good time, lots of laughs, mediocre mixed grill.Well it was a pretty damn good mixed grill, I just kinda wished there was more of it. But I kinda wish there was more of everything, well except for hail. I really don't mind any weather conditions but hail just seems a bit unnecessary!.

Strangely enough this is the second time I've been stonecold sober at a work do. The first was the Christmas party, two weeks after I'd started at the company. This is where I was introduced to Eleanor's enormously endearing laugh. I hadn't until that point spotted it, strange as I pride myself on be extremely observant.

Additionally after hearing something at dinner I went on an origami rampage: flowers, cranes, boats, hats, giraffes and xwings. I got 90% of the way through making an elephant before I lost my rag, screwed the damn thing up and made an excellent wick for my lamp! Oh I also picked up a world class opener from Marc Birch "What's your opinion on pandas?" He doesn't remember this at all, neither does his girlfriend, Eleanor, which makes me think I may have imagined the whole thing! This is a different Eleanor, not the one who possesses the enormously endearing laugh.

Also if you drink several pints of pepsi, late in the day, you will not get to sleep until 04:00.

The more astute amongst you may have noticed the little selection of quotes at the beginning. Now, I was going to be uber lazy and just leave yall with the quotes and some weak commentary around them. This is because I was gearing up for battle. By battle I mean an exam and by gearing up I mean doing everything but actually revising.

Anyway back to the quotes some of those badboys can still reduce me to tears. Now that either indicates that I am a ridiculously soft hearted so and so. Which I am, but it could equally be a testament to the power of those words. How many of you out there have seen Hero? A film all about swordplay and China, ringing any bells?

If you haven't and are planning to then I suggest you skip this paragraph as it is quite the spoiler. The main character, nameless, goes to a calligraphy school. Whilst there the school is attacked by an army of archers, mistress snow and nameless get to deflecting arrows like nobody's business. As the school is under attack the students fret and begin to flee but the master turns to his students and tells them to remain where they are. He says something like "Their arrows are nothing when compared to our words" In the youtube vid the translation is culture not words but you get vibe right?

The nugget is at about the 1 minute mark for those not inclined to wait around ;-)

Oh and guess what I paid £50 for this week? No one going to hazard a shot in the dark? Fine I'll tell you! Having not been to the dentist in two years, my father finally cajoled me into going for a check up. No problem with my teeth, they're a bit sensitive but they always have been. The guy stares at my teeth, xrays then and gives em a bit of a polish and that was it. Perfectly nice chap just not sure that 10 minutes is worth it.

Also wanting to try this out: Sounds simple right? 20 seconds of insane courage. The guts to just go for it, sounds almost too good to be true. But I reckon that that could be all it takes. Think about all the times you've missed an opportunity because you chickened out?  I have heaps of examples, mostly in my personal life, where I just didn't take a chance because I was way to scared.

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