Monday 27 May 2013


Up till now I've just been writing down what happens to me day to day. And I was pretty adamant to keep it to a weekly thing that shouldn't take over all my spare time. Oddly the more I do this the more I want to do more of it. There has to be a better way of putting that, answers on a postcard.

I chat regularly with my bro on skype, we get on famously. Am I right in thinking that most folks would be happy that they get on with the person they grew up with and leave it at that? I've got a sciencey brain that tends to want to dissect everything to understand the underlying principles behind it etc. This is not a recent thing I've been at it for quite a while hence detail.

First off there is the sheer quantity of time we spent in each others company. To paraphrase the great Will Mackenzie You just have to spend enough time around people and they will become your friends. But I don't think it's quite that simple.

My dad, as awesome as he was, was always fantastically busy. He's still fantastically busy! Any guesses and to what he does when he goes on holiday? I've come to realise you are a lazy lot who won't comment or hazard a guess so here's the answer :P He volunteers at hospitals, clinics etc for pretty much the whole time! But I guess he found his calling and loves what he does. This may just be a rationalisation I've concocted to make it ok.

As a result of the aforementioned busyness, I think I may have become the role model that my old man was for me. Now I was nerdy, angry and overly macho. Not a great combo when choosing a role model. From the extended exposure we are basically the same person. Well he's like 10x more disciplined when it comes to studying but then I've got pecs so it kinda evens out right?

Anyway onwards to the point of that 300 word preamble. One other thing we share, at least I think we share, is our interest in conspiracies. Like gravity being a CIA plot to keep us all on earth and countries are actually a lot closer together than you think...

It's more a seeking of truth and the fundamentals behind certain processes.

Creating an Underclass
There are seven steps identified about how this has been done in the past. They are:
  1. Identification
  2. Ostracising + Propaganda
  3. Concentration
  4. Reduced Opportunity
  5. Crime
  6. Arrest
  7. Annihilation
These steps feed into one and other. For example crime leads to arrest and that in turn reduces opportunities further. Once arrested concentration is also easier e.g. prisons.

Bit heavy for a bank holiday afternoon but when I sat down to write this is all I could think about. Well also about how I can't eat normal food again for another fortnight.

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