Sunday 26 May 2013

3 films 2 days...

Some of you know that I've been hiding away revising like some kind of crazed maniac. Well the exam is over n done with. To celebrate my new found freedom I'm gonna spend this bank holiday weekend in the cinema. At least that was the plan...

In my naivety/youthful exuberance I was aiming to watch five films: Iron Man 3, Star Trek, Fast & Furious 6, The Great Gatsby and The Worlds End.

I had failed to consider the timings at which cinemas decide to show aforementioned films and I'd also overlooked the fact that the last in the list hasn't been released yet! At best I could have watched 3 in a day. But I decided against it because the last one would have kicked of at 21:00 and I would be either asleep or soooo caffeine filled that I couldn't possibly sit still enough to enjoy it!

So late Friday afternoon I zoomed over to Nottingham to view Star Trek which was awesome! **SPOILER ALERT** But damn my maths brain Khan was made in 1959! Also why is there no planetary defence grid in orbit around earth? **SPOILER complete**
Other than that stuff I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Cumberbatch being badass and there were moments in the film where Chris Pine was totally channelling Shatner :D

Onwards! Headed in to Lincoln early in Saturday morning to purchase shirts. Which sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! The very helpful ladies in several shops kindly informed me that I am a freak, not in those exact words. Explanation: I have a relatively trim midsection, yay! with very broad shoulders, chest and arms. Doesn't sound like a problem right? Wrong again :D This means that a shirt that fits my upper torso is way too big for the midsection and vice versa.

Due to the short term nature of this outing I had to acquire accomplices on the fly. So after hitting up some of my "old" friends. We met in a carpark and didn't leave for about an hour, which I think really worried some of the people parking there. These guys aren't the sort you'd want to meet in a car park, if you've seen what I currently look like you probs wouldn't want to meet me in a car park either :S

So Iron Man 3! General Tony Stark awesomeness but I wasn't bowled over. Again if you haven't seen it and are planning to consider this your spoiler alert. For just this paragraph :D Tony can't sleep and has anxiety issues, so he is human after all. Loved the twist with Kingsley being the face of the Mandarin. Was a little disappointed as I was looking forward to mystical ring powers like the olden days but alas it's not to be! Anyone else spot the funny moving eye wound that Tony had?

Now for FF6 again I will be going in to some detail so skip this paragraph if you don't want anything spoilt. Starts where 5 left off, watched that on Friday and enjoyed the hell outta it :D Nice n peaceful but they can't shake their attachments to their old lives. So friends become enemies and enemies become friends and introducing Jason Statham as the next guy they have to drive really fast to defeat :P Ridiculous action, custom cars, a tank, hand to hand hilarity, rossers being useless, the Rock's wrestling references and his mystical ability to grow his beard back in a day!

Dunno how many of you have this with something you love doing. It's a bit like an itch you can't help scratching. I kinda have that with writing, I feel like I have to do it. Also with dancing which brings me onto this hefty chunk of awesomeness:

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