The evening kicked off with a trip to tecos to gear up on beverages for the evening ahead. Once that was done and dusted the next issue was food. My experience of supermarket hot food counters is lacking, mostly because the first and last time I got anything from one it was extremely dry and completely devoid of flavour. I took the plunge and braved some bbq shtuff, under the expert guidance of Mark Taylor I also procured a Tesco Finest pie.
I've spelt shtuff like that on purpose. I noticed that's how I usually pronounce the word, when I'm being informal. Whilst this is written communication it's playing through my head in my voice so for it to go through your head in something akin to my voice I put shtuff in there.
Upon arrival we efficiently emptied the car and I set to demolishing the bbq and pie. Damn it was good! The bbq that is, the pie was lacked seasoning. Then come the drinking games...
We didn't have cards, schoolboy error! So arrogance it is. I was uncharacteristically unlucky and must've downed a pint by the time David Smith arrived and informed us he is a champion tosser. Marc Birch shows up just after sweating profusely, it's an oddly warm day. David demonstrated his champion tossing skills, Mark doesn't follow and for his naivety he ends up downing several pints.
We move on to Blackjack which is straight forward enough but seems to get old fast. So Texas Hold em it is then. Now anyone who knew me from my time at Notts will know I played a lot of poker, I mean a lot. So I'm think this is gonna be like taking candy from the proverbial. But Mark throws a noob shaped spanner in my works. He literally has no idea what's going on and raises for no apparent reason.
We then realise that several other folk have arrived and we are being ever so antisocial. We scatter to the four winds and meet n greet everyone in sight. I personally remember several names, now I know this is nothing to brag about. But I am terrible with names, faces I remember forever, but names elude me. The only way I've found is to commit both first and last name to memory then I remember them forever. For example I can remember first and second names of everyone I went to primary school with in Grimsby, 15 years ago. Urgh I feel very old right now.
It was just before this I remembered that I am now in possession of a camera and started snapping everything in sight! Near enough 200 pics, most not posed just grabbing the moment :D
Somehow beerpong rears it's notorious head and naturally it's boys vs. girls. It's all a bit hit n miss as none of us are distinctly deft with the ball. Then things get interesting and Mark suddenly displays the focus of a surgeon about to operate on his own brain. What's at stake? A hug n kiss from the hostess herself, Victoria Pateman. The tension builds and Mark casually makes the shot! The crowd rejoices and Mark near enough faints from excitement. I missed the moment but caught the instant before:
As you can see he's quite the showman and has earnt himself the nickname of Little Mark!
It was sometime after this that Mark lost his dinner in the toilet then he insisted he was going to Ritzys and after we refused to let him go he fell asleep on a pew! I should explain that the party was in what was a church and they've kept the pews!
Onwards...after sending Mark off home with James n David. We decided to power walk it to Cubes. Well initially the idea was to attend the Funk n Soul night at the Engjne Shed. I have no idea why we didn't go along. Craig Charles was in attendance!
So myself, Swapnal, Jimbo and Simo head off. Then we stop to retrieve Sam from his car. After some projectile... we get back to Jimbo's where we leave Sam and make our manly way to cubes.
I take a picture of someone we'd just met in front of a cash machine as well. I don't know why :S
Once in the club we hit the floor and I'm having a great time. As you all know I love to dance, I'm by no means any good but I love nothing more :D
There is a young man on the floor who is not dancing. He's got his shirt off and is oddly hairless. Simo is getting evermore irate with him and is trying to procure sponsorship to justify dropping the fool with an elbow to the head. After some gentle discouragement we avoid a scuffle.
Then we meet Mark's housemate Davide! I've only ever seen the dude in FB pics but I recognise him and get a few pics for posterity. I've not been witness to this before but Swapnal is quite the little mosher. So much so that he's near enough wound up everyone within 2 metre radius of us. Ah a crowd who want nothing more than to kick your ass, just like my glory days X-D
We eventually make it out of there and head for a takeaway. Where we bump into James and David! It is a small world after all :P
As we make our weary way back to Eastbourne street Swapnal insists on dropping his burger! This is a sure sign that we have indeed indulged excessively, the dude can handle his drink. As we approach the door a taxi pulls up, it's the other lot that went off to see Craig Charles, fortuitous timing. We sit around eating burgers and talking business I think. My memory is letting me down as I really can't focus on anything else whilst eating. Pretty sure I ended up getting mayo in my beard, never a good look.
I pop to the toilet and I can hear an argument blazing outside about who'll be sleeping in the spare room. I'm really not that fussed so I grab my gear and set up shop on the couch, after sometime turns out the spare room is still spare so I go to bed. Now I'm not sure if I fell asleep n woke up or if I glanced at my watch as I was falling asleep but it's 06:00!
Round 10:00 I get up with the pizza I didn't eat the night before n sit on the couch recounting all the stuff that has been forgotten. As you may have gathered my memory captures events in enormous detail.
That's them on the right. Now which one do I go for? Lucky numbers come to mind I have some that I'm struggling to remember why I consider them lucky. There is 22 and 8. 8 is something my gramps read starcharts and came up with but the balls only go from 1 to 7! Dilemma or what!
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