Monday 10 June 2013


Today was eventful, that is to say there was a big event that kinda filled the day!

I awoke at 04:00, no big deal I hear you cry! As I am known for my early starts are right in line with my character. But here's the peculiar part, I didn't do my kriya yoga in the morning! Not to worry I did both practices in the afternoon as I got home early from work, on account of my early start!

05:00 I'm out the door hurtling towards a dairy farm. This'll be the second dairy I've been to, starting to feel like dairy is slowly working it's way into the very fibre of my being... The drive is uneventful, except for my superb singing along to the radio. My voice has regained it's underlying rumble, that's the only time my singing voice sounds any good.

Anyway I arrive at the farm and there are cows! For those of you who are thinking "it's a dairy of course there are cows!" that's just not true. Dairies process milk, they don't, necessarily, milk or keep cows. I have a few cynical ideas about why there were a few cows but lets see if anyone can figure them out :-P

I drive hither and dither seeking out wherever the milk is being kept. Finally I find a light that's on and approach cautiously as I am a large, bearded, asian man in the middle of the countryside approaching a farmer who currently has his back turned. This sounds, to me at least, like a perfect recipe for getting shot/punched in the face. My fears are unfounded and he beams and asks me if I'm the guy from Lincoln? I'm not from Lincoln but I'm not about to go into the details of where I'm from at 05:45 in the morning.

He wheels out a big trolley filled with 1 litre semi skimmed milk. Give Swapnal a quick call to check volume required and head out! In Lincoln round 06:45, meet up with Swappie and hit the streets. Lincoln needs it's milk and we're gonna be delivering 148 litres of it! Now Steph, the usual delivery driver can bang through 200 litres in 2 hours. So you'd think we could make similar time with a reduced volume right?

Not even close! We dash about here there n everywhere, missing houses having to double/triple back.Sitting in traffic and generally having our knowledge of Steph being a damn good delivery driver reaffirmed.

Now here's what I wasn't expecting, nostalgia. I drove around every area that I had helped letter/canvass. Carlton, Gleed, Wragby, Burton, Riseholme, Doddington I think that's it...but each are holds a memory! Freezing cold hands, getting lost, hours of walking, posting, leap frogging, the complexity of having three people on one side of the road leap frogging! As a result of this oddness parts of Lincoln hold memories of different people!

We complete delivery in a staggering 4.5 hours :-O and head to the office. I make a half hearted effort at trying to kickstart a marketing list, eat lunch and go home at 13:00. Man I'm tired I should probs get some sleep

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