Sunday 23 June 2013

Me myself and I...

This week wasn't the usual. For one my dog, Tim, lost his vitality. His back leg swelled up to a ridiculous size and he stopped eating. Now this is a fellow who once got into the garage and ate around 10 kg of Bakers dog food and would've eaten more had he not been caught in the act!

Turned out that it was because he couldn't stand up and bend down because he couldn't put any weight on his bad leg. So with the help of out trusty washing machine part we manage to get it to a height he's comfortable eating from!

Now this part is not to be confused with the drum.
The drum looks like this:

Kinda like a cheese grater on steroids. This other thing is what the drum sits inside. Anyone have any idea of what its called?

If you're wondering why I've got a collection of washing machine bits it's because the old washing machine broke and I systematically dismantled it. We use the hollow shell for burning hedge clippings etc.

Now the next morning he won't eat regardless of what I try. Normally when I go to see him in the morning he's full of life and bouncing because that's what tiggers do best! But today he limps out and just looks at me. He's an old man now but I wasn't expecting such a dramatic shift in the space of a few days.

Dad's about so he'll take to the vet asap. I man up and head off to work. On the drive I pretty much resign myself to the possibility of Tim's death. And strangely it doesn't bother me. He's old and struggling it makes sense for him to go now. He pops up in my mind from time to time as I'm at work but I'm feeling the same way as earlier. On the drive back I remember him as a puppy and all the little foibles that let me know that it's him for sure. Now I can't stand the thought of him dying.

Funny thing about Tim is that I spent the most time with him out of our family so he always responded to me the most out of everyone. In a way I raised him and because he was really strong I was pretty much the only one that could walk him properly. And now this crazy, always upbeat creature is going to die!

When I get home my dad and bro talk me through the details of the visit to the vet in clinical detail. Dad's a GP and my bro is a medical student, standard I know for a Sri Lankan family. Turns out that he should be fine within a week with antibiotics and anti inflammatories. The next day his appetite is back and his joy for life is back too. Now this highlights something of a shortcoming in myself. This is that I have managed to suffer something that does not exist. That is to say I suffered my dogs death and he didn't even die!

Madness right? But I do this with sooo much stuff it's unreal. You know the what ifs etc. Considering the possibility is fine, so you can prep an adequate response/countermeasure. But why go through all the negative emotion and suffering? Long way to go for sure.

The team leader in all but name of team local went on holiday this week. Leaving myself and James to hold down the fort in his absence. He deserves a holiday as he does beaver away like his life depends on it every day! I tend to have fluctuations in my productivity depending on blood sugar, stimulant levels, sleep etc. He's a bit like a force of nature when it comes to work, unrelenting. His eyelashes, which he had tinted the previous weekend, have gone black making it look like he's wearing mascara. #nightmare

Ooh and on the way to work we spotted Eleanor! She was heading to her new job as a B2B sales memory is failing me! A sure sign that it's a little late in the day for writing detailed shtuff...00:40 time for bed?

Nope gonna plough ahead! My folks and my bro are heading off to Sri Lanka for four weeks. No biggie right? Indeed it's not but it's the first time I won't be going along with them. I was always the go to back up dude when dad wasn't quite on the money with something. Also I was the one who lugged our uber heavy bags everywhere. Not to mention all the family I'll be missing out on.

Now when I say all the family they are mostly based on Sri Lanka. And there are hoards of em. Where else round the world do I have family? Well India, Austrailia, Denmark, America, France, Germany, UAE and there are others kicking about that I won't have heard of in remote bits of the globe for sure.

Dropped them off at the airport drove back home. Driving there n back I saw signs for the warner bros studio tour and thought to myself I must go one of these days. On my return home I check FB and strangely enough a relatively new old work friend is there today! Does the term make sense "new old work friend" ? I've only met her relatively recently at work, December 2012, and we no longer work together.

Anyway get back and go into shoonya, it's hard to explain but I'll give it a go. Actually I won't because it'll go on for wayyy too long and ain't nobody got time for that! Off to the shops to get some supplies and back home in time to realise I've missed half the final of the voice.

For dinner I decided to have a whole roast chicken. Something I wouldn't think twice about in my younger days. Today I barely managed to get past the halfway point! When did I become so normal, with regards to my ability to eat large quantities of food? I've actually changed! Urgh I don't want to be old and sensible.

Here is where I went to bed...but this next bit happened before I went to bed Saturday night.

Delve into some pics and this throws up some relatively new old emotions I haven't properly dealt with. And I am feeling down town Lester Brown and it's only getting worse. Then boom, kapow, crash and all those other classic Batman sound effects that made the show so kick ass! Are they really sound effects? Cos they used to flash on screen like this:

Anyway it was super big moon that I  saw from my state of regression. And it's super bigness snapped me right out of my down-ness. Ah moon meister is there anything you can't do?

Peculiar dreams about people from my recent past. Nothing particularly peculiar but very detailed storylines.

Guess what I did on Sunday? Andrenaline maxing ironing of course! I actually did it over a few hours and ironed all sorts of shtuff.. Also dug out a pair of trousers that I didn't even know I had! Was gonna finish on a cliché but I've resisted the urge.

Ooh Man of Steel! The day after the BBQ in Birchwood, I headed of to the Odeon in Lincoln to see Man of Steel. Now the ads look great and I am an uberley massive Superman fan since I was like 5 so I am well hyped for the film :D Also had my first KFC in many years, thoroughly underwhelmed. Get to the screen and sit through the inevitable trailers. And the film kicks off. In short it has it's moments but as a whole it's a little disjointed and I don't really care about the characters. There is a twist at the end which made me cry. Some of may say I cry rather frequently but this is a real heart wrencher.

This quote "You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders." Gandhi said "you must be the change you wish to see in the world." I always look for the nuggets of truth/messages that writers are trying to convey. This is such a powerful message. If that's all you take away from the film then it was worth it.

***SPOILER***The early years stuff is good, Clark has to show restraint and hates it every step of the way. Even when he saves the lives of a school bus full of kids his dad gives him a bit of a bollocking. His wandering and childish outburst at a douchebag trucker are good. Him on fire on an oilrig and smashing Zod are awesome. Reminds me of Ichigo's ultimate facepalm on Aizen. Then there are bits on Krypton which kinda conflict with what I'd always held to be the truth in that universe. But I've not read enough of the comics to comment.***SPOILER***

***SPOILER***I was hoping for Brainiac, that badass SOB would represent a real threat. Did like the nods to luthercorp in the film suggesting the crazy rich guy is still kicking it. There is a massive 10 minute fight at the end which culminates in Zod letting loose on civilians. Now he's military and this is a terrorist tactic that his "honour" wouldn't allow him to use. At least that's my thinking but there he is using his heat vision towards unarmed humans. Superman has him in a in a headlock and has to kill him or watch as people die. He breaks Zod's neck. That's the point I noticed there were tears streaming down my face. ***SPOILER***

Here's the stupid thing about my now that I've written it down it seems like it was a good film! It's just that it didn't blow me away like I was hoping it would. What was the last film to blow me away? 300?

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