Saturday 22 June 2013

Burgers, sausages, chicken thighs, pork shoulder, raspberry cheesecake and victoria sponge!

Dates evade me, I'm pretty useless at telling how long ago something happened. I think this happened a week ago. If it was sooner or longer then do let me know.

Anyhoo Chris, dude I work with, invites the office over for a BBQ. Now this is because it's been blindingly awesome weather as of late. But as the week progresses the weather forecast is not looking good.

Now as always Mark has something suitably peculiar lined up to occur on the same day as the BBQ is planned for. Any guesses what this is? Well this unique young man is having his eyebrows waxed and his eye lashes tinted. o_O Funny thing is till he pointed it out his eyebrows are proper bushy so they could probs use some kinda pruning.

So the day rolls round and I start up a fb thread with all involved. To keep tabs on whats going down, who's bringing what, times weather etc. Now I've uncharacteristically woken up round 09:00 on Saturday and didn't have time to fit in my kriyas + suryanamaskars. So after midday I start the 2 hour routine that I do every day for the past few years.

Now once I've started this process I am not supposed to stop for anything short of the house burning down. As I go through the various processes I can hear my phone going off. Not once or twice but over and over again. Now the problem solving part of my mind is going into overdrive trying to fathom what in the world is going on the requires me immediate attention! I keep my focus and complete my practice before checking my phone. Turns out it's a logistical issue that I'm uniquely endowed to solve. Someone needs a lift and I have a car :P

So I do a drive by and we get to Chris's round 17:00. Now I was expecting to be the last one to the party but Swapnal is the only one there. Mad Mark Taylor is nowhere to be seen. They dude is too busy shopping for his holiday in Cancun. And I'm immediately introduced to Buddy, he's a Jack Russell/chihuahua and quite the show stealer.

So the party gets started and the bbq gets fired up. I bust out my camera well it's my bro's camera but he's such a recluse that it never gets used so I've claimed it. I try to snap the fire as I'm something of a pyromaniac. Well I think we're all pyros to a certain extent. Any thoughts on why that is you say? Well I think it's because fire gives us a massive survival advantage. Heat, light, scaring away beasties of course we are gonna be wired to love it. Now on the flip side it does kinda represent the end of universe.

This goes back to something one of my A level physics teachers said to me. Once energy has been transformed into heat then it spreads and can never be reclaimed. Something about this destructive act appeals to us? Are we wired to seek destruction? Anyway I won't get into that here as it neither the time or the place.

The time comes and Mark arrives in a blaze of well not really a blaze of anything. He's so late that it's just a torrent of abuse. But he deflects superbly as he's "fuming" £18.74 to have his eye brows and lashes done. The man is a one man show all day every day.

Now the revelation of the evening, foodwise, is that pork shoulder is amazing! It really is if you haven't tucked into pork shoulder then you are missing out. I live a predominantly veggie life, mostly because of my body's annyoing tendency to build muscle whenever sufficiently fuelled with protein. And Emma's cakes! Earlier that week we had some but the cheesecake is on another level!

So the evening progresses indoors and the Wii comes into play. Mark and Swapnal lose consecutive games of wii bowling meaning they are on morning and evening tea/coffee duty on Monday. Mark is shocked by a shock collar and I eat some more cake. Before heading home at midnight.

This is the third evening where I've gone to a gathering a not had a drop to drink. The first was the christmas meal, the second was Mandy's leaving do. I may actually be growing up! It's a little scary. Soon enough I'll be able to fix anything and talk at great length about a variety of topics.

Wait a minute...I can kinda talk about most things at length! Once I decipher the mysteries of internal combustion I'll be a proper man!

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