Saturday 8 June 2013

Up or down

What can I say about this week? It's been a little tough but I'll live :-D so don't summon international rescue just yet. This was the first full week in the "new" office. Started hot, went cold midweek and was back up to searing. Searing is a bit much but it was up to 18 celcius on the drive back home.

Was doing the usual with some intermittent proof reading and swooping over to bust down a door in Lincoln. Sadly I wasn't the one on door busting duty but a nice change of pace all the same. In other news we have a brand new fly swatter. When I spied a my first fly I swiftly reached for for the swatter and scared the fly sooo much that it flew straight out the window! Such is the power of this fly swatter!!!! Shortly afterwards I swatted a fly neatly hefting it , nearly, in twain.

Heft in twain, I honestly don't know where I've picked up that phrase?! Feels as though it should be from something Arthurian. If anyone knows please tell me, I know none of you will.

Mark was on dynamite form with his daily treats, the likes of which the world has never seen before... He also turned to a director and casually asked him "Do you ever drink tea through a straw?" The guy is a one man morale boosting machine! He also takes a mid-afternoon constitutional whilst eating lunch. This coincided with my driving in to Lincoln to bust down a door. He's on the right side of road walking straight towards us. So I give him a friendly pip of the horn as we are heading towards him. The lad turns to look behind him wearing an expression that I can only describe as "what's all this then!"

I also did something I haven't done in a long time. Primarily because I thought I had outgrown the stereotypical actions of men my age. It would appear that I managed the ultimate con and conned myself into believing I had changed!

Moving on from vagueness what do you do when you are down hearted for whatever reason? Talk, drink, eat etc. right? Well I watched copious quantities of stand up comedy and then drove to Nottingham. To see friends? Nope I hacked my way through an overgrown back garden:-D It was quite the epic image the grass was literally waist high!

Now what do you do to get rid of weeds? Sensibly you'd use chemicals or don a pair of sturdy gloves and bust out the shears. I picked up an old golf club and swung away to my hearts content. I think I may start my bokken training up again. Swinging round oak swords for the hell if it, for those not familiar with em :-D

It was a bit strange in the garden while I was raging about the place expelling all my energy. There was a pair of rather boisterous robins landing here, there n everywhere snacking on insects. At first they kept their distance but as the day progressed they got bolder and jumped right on the lawn mower when I was emptying it. I also saw and just had to pick up a rather striking moth:

And a frog entertained me no end by leaping in the way of the lawn mower regardless of the direction I turned it. I eventually pick the little dude up and he proceeds to climb up my arm before deftly leaping in to a nearby bush!

Whilst I'm not 100% back to normal it was kinda like nature turned to me gave me a wink and said it's not all doom and gloom boyo. Look at these cheeky chappies! :D

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