Well some of you may already know that I've hurt myself! I know it's not all that surprising given my history:
- Sprained ankle x so often I've lost count lets say 1,000,000
- Dislocated knees x at least a dozen times
Torn hamstrings x 3 - Torn back muscle x 4
- Dislocated shoulders x 1,000,000 again
- Elbow issues x at least once a year
- Clicky sprained sore wrists x constantly
- Broken thumbs x 2
- Broken big toes x 12
- And numerous cuts, gouges niggles!
As you can see I'm have a tendency towards injury. This time it's a back issue. So I'm hauling my wise and ancient friend, Tim the dog, into the boot after a trip to the vet. Some of you may remember Tim, I've mentioned him once or twice, he's got an ear infection! Anyway this task would normally be a breeze as I am a big, burly boyo who used to fling other equally big burly boyos around a field on Tuesdays and Sundays. But my back has a weakness that has been worsening over the week. And it results in me laying on the floor and summoning a rather kickass physio, William Hopkinson. A thoroughly nice fellow who gave me lots of advice for a very reasonable fee. Looks like I may be out of the game for a while so be prepared to read a lot more of my overly long writing :-P
So the reason my back is a little weaker than it usually is because of a cool box! Well not the cool box but what it's full of. Now this is highly experimental stuff, with it's own webpage, so I can't talk about it! It's heavy and to load and unload it I have to lift with my arms at full extension. Putting all the strain on my lower back. Now I could have got Rebekah to help me, but in a typically macho fashion I favoured speed over common sense and planted the seeds of my downfall.
So you're asking who Rebekah is? Well she was hand volunteered by the ever kick ass Mr. Kitson. I was volunteered by Mr. Wright as I was involved with the last round of testing so I'd be au fait with the whole process. Oh and there was a little craziness that occurred resulting in me shooting back home to grab an extra shirt, pants n socks! Had to stay an extra night hence the extra shtuff ;-) On the way there the A1 is shut! So we take an extra long diversion and talk a lot of inane babble. You know the usual stuff about this n that oh and I also tried to explain our peculiar company set up. I don't think I really understand it so I doubt I managed to convey it so well to Rebekah.
Oooh I've only known Rebekah for a few days and she's already washed, ironed and folded a shirt for me! Not saying that's the way to my heart but it can't hurt ;-)
I settle down and boot up the laptop as there are a few mins before the show starts. And get engrossed in a misinformation battle. As you well know I am a uber secret agent type assassin ninja sent from an alternate universe/timeline to rewrite history so the trees win the war. Also someone read a lot of my blogposts last week in one sitting. Who that hell was that? Not that I'm annoyed just mystified that anyone would read 10,000 words in one sitting :S
Anyway suits is good! :-D Anyone else watch suits I know a few of my FB buds from back in the day do. Loving Louis' development, the guy is stealing the show :D I watch a lot of this n that as I can't sleep! Eventually drifting off around midnight. With the TV still on. Around 03:00 I am awakened by a slight hum/whistle sound, my ninja sense is tingling so I spring to my feet and immediately regret that course of action. I have zero blood in my head so my vision clouds and I, momentarily, lose my balance. Any ninja would have struck me down and made their get away by now. So after I chill out I realise that the tv makes a humming noise when activated.
I want one but I rarely eat bread so it'd likely end up in the corner with the breadmaker |
Yep they have daleks! :D Had a thoroughly nice day, even if the results from the tests were inconclusive! Oh I got a free cake :D. Had my first jacket potato in ages as well. After the day is done I take Rebekah to the station so she can catch her train back to Lincoln.
Now it was just before we left the centre that I unleashed my penchant for arguing about anything. The topic was what is natural. I naturally came to the table with the idea that either everything is natural or nothing is! The discussion continued on the journey to the station. From Descartes to definition we speak about a lot of stuff. I think I may have let too much out of the bottle and scared the poor girl into avoiding me at all costs X-D hehe I can be a little overbearing!
I take a wrong turn so it takes me a wee bit longer to get back to the hotel. Once there I hand over the cool box full of top secret product to the hotel. I haul it out the boot and hand it over to the concierge to store in the fridge. I chill in my room, well I nap in my room. Then furiously prep for my day of being a selling. Lots of researching exact locations, likely price quotes and driving time between locations.
What did I have for dinner? Well it was a chewy sandwich, which was nice. I notice the barmaid may have a thing for me! So naturally I order dessert to my room. I head up,kick my shoes off and fire up the laptop. There is a knock at the door, I gingerly open it...
It's the same girl from downstairs! She's stood their beaming at me, holding a plate of profiteroles!!! So you're wondering what happened next, no doubt :-P Well I gentleman never tells :-O yep I am playing the gentleman card, you didn't see that coming did you dearest dudes and dudets!
Was curious about the gender split of those reading these. I am prone to think more guys would read them as most of my mates are boys. But then again these are quite verbose so maybe girls have the commitment required to see them through to the end. I dunno!