Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Man from Earth

This is the title of a film that my baby brother has been badgering me to watch since he saw it a few months ago. Now initially I didn't watch it just to wind him up + there is a certain resistance to doing something that someone says you should do. You know that old rebellious streak that just doesn't want to do something because someone else suggested it!

I usually find this with family more than friends, colleagues etc. I wonder why that is!? Is anyone else the same way? :-D

The film explores lots of ideas, concepts etc. and the original storywas written over a period of many decades. The central idea is one that is rather intoxicating, immortality. Whenever I hear the word I think of two things:

1) Highlander - There can be only one! Great film let down by a bunch of sequels. Not to be confused with the programming language :-P

2) 300 - The Immortals were that beastly army they describe. Their name is tested etc.

Little bit of clickbait to see whether a buff man works any better than Ellen Page from the last post. She looks a little too young for my liking, very pretty girl. But inspires a paternal instinct to protect and nurture etc. Making sense? I dunno sometimes!

Now the film is rather cool but what I really want to do is make you all watch it. I know that by saying that I have likely made most of you not want to watch it. It is on vimeo, for those who aren't willing to pay the £3.68 for it on amazon! :-P I'll be getting a copy soon so you are all more than welcome to swing on by and watch it along with me :D

I bought another book! It's all about the basic plot lines that all stories follow :-O. More to do with why we, as a species, feel the need to tell stories. This is the sixth book I will have on the go now. I am terrible at finishing books, I start one then another and another.

Also my Qwertee T has finally arrived! :D YAY. I thought they were being uber slow, which they were. But it appears I have been blacklisted by Royal Mail...

They sent a letter saying that there is a hazard preventing the safe delivery of mail! Remember that beehive I tried to take down? I think that that is the cause. From the looks of it the bees have vacated, haven't seen them in a while, but I've asked broski to observe the doorstep for any suspect behaviour tomorrow.

Back to the T :D it is epic! :D That's all I'm saying for now but it did come with a free bag of sweets! :D The first company to win me over with free sweeties was Firebox! Who else used Firebox? They still exist and have a bunch of funky stuff available :D It's kinda counter-intuitive that I should be endeared to a company by their offering free sweets. Remember what they told you at school about taking sweets from strangers? Well this is a company sending you free sweets. CONSPIRACY!!!

Conspiracy sweets and yes that is my actual thumb :-O
Despite it coming with sweets meant to entice me into a false sense of security I am rather won over by the company. That maybe because the envelope featured this:

The address label features a cool creepy robot who says your name and address! :-D Bowled over and will be buying lots of T's in the future!

Ok so yes I like roller derby, I think we've established that much. So here's a vid on a card game some rather funny frenchman based on the sport :-D

Remind me to buy a paper watch :D

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