Thursday 22 August 2013

Bohemian platformer

So it's been weird to say the least. A couple of times there has been a total disconnect between me and what I've done/am doing. You know when you are playing a video game e.g. Halo, Doom, Tomb Raider, Mario etc. you feel a certain distance between yourself and the character? At least during gameplay.

Well I kinda got the feeling about my life! Well at least the set of activities and interactions that make up what I call my life. Hence the title :D

Two spiders! One was frolicking in my hair near my right ear in the office! Tiny little thing that I attached to the window frame to capture all the flies that show up in the office! The other was one of those lanky daddy long legs types :D

I saw Kickass! The first one to see if it'd be worth seeing the second one and it was awesome! :D Very Spidermanny feel to it but with a lots of violence :D Been a while since I enjoyed a film quite like that :D

Swallow! Now, now, children drag your minds out of the gutter! Here's the thing now that I've said that your mind will be all guttered up even if you weren't thinking of anything rude when you first read the word swallow :P  :D It was either a swallow or a swirft that flew into our office and hung out there for while! Made for a very welcome change from the usual day to day stuff that we do! I have been switched away from my usual role to one the does a lot more things. As to what these things are then you'll have to ask me in person cos then I can deny it all!

The office had extra folk kicking about in it last week and I felt a whole lot better for it. All those left, I get along with famously but more is more! It'll never be the same but nothing ever is ;-)

So there was yet another night out! Twas a work one so it featured the usual line up with the addition of Gavin. I'm gorging myself on chicken when Swapnal pipes up and presents Gavin with his 5 stringed guitar. For those in the know that's one short so it's gonna be hard to play. Gavin is good at guitar! So ring of fire? I suck as time has worn away my razor sharp reflexes and replaced them with clueless looks of d'oh time to down another drink!

A deck of cards are arranged in a circle around a glass and players take it in turn to pick a card. For those not au fait with the rules of ring of fire here's a handy list:

A- Waterfall – Everyone must keep drinking, starting with the one who picked the card, until the person who is on their left stops. So who knows how long you will be going for!
2- is Choose – You can choose someone to drink
3- is Me – You must drink
4- is Whore – All girls drink
5- Thumb Master- When you put your thumb on the table everyone must follow and whomever is last must drink. you are the thumb master till someone else picks a five.
6- is Dicks – All guys drink
7- is Heaven – Point your finger in the sky, whoever is last must drink
8- is Mate – Choose someone to drink with you
9- Rhyme – Pick a word such a dog and the person next to you must rhyme with dog, like log, and it goes to the next person and the next, in a circle, until someone messes up and he or she will have to drink
10- Categories- Pick a category such a football and you go in a circle and everyone has to say a word that fits with football such as: touchdown, field goal, USC. Whoever messes up, drinks.
Jack- Make a Rule – You can make up any rule that everyone has to follow, such as you can only drink with your right hand. Everyone (including you) must follow this rule for the whole entire game and if you disobey you must drink.
Queen- Questions – Go around in a circle and you have to keep asking questions to each other. Doesn’t matter what the question is, as long as its a question. Whoever messes up and does not say a question, drinks.
King- Pour!- You must pour a little of your drink into the cup that is in the middle of the table. Whomever picks up the LAST king must drink the whole cup, which could be filled with different drinks, so who knows how bad it could taste!

How hard can it be right? Well we are down to the last two cards and three kings have already come up. It's between me and Mark. We are umming and ahhing especially as Swapnal has picked a jack so has the ability to make a rule. Something to do with a coin toss results in me getting picking a nine. So Mark has to drink what's in the middle as whatever is left has to be a king right? WRONG it's a four. Swapnal has issued us with a deck that only has 3 kings X-D He downs whats in the middle and we move on.

Cocktails! You see we are a sophisticated bunch so mix our cocktails with Dr. Pepper :-/ . It's not that bad tbh but Roger takes things to another level. He's getting busy with a watermelon and banana and comes back with some ever so fruity! :-D Vicky pops in at some point, the chronology is a little messed up, I didn't take enough pics so I can't rearrange the night into exactly the right order. Not a fan of being photographed so much so she takes a pic of me, a bit of a poser so I'm loving every moment! Oh and the macarena! I have a video that will no doubt be making an appearance soon.

So after a lot of talk we head off into the night, MOKA HERE WE COME. Well as it turns out as its 23:30 they are having an invite only night :( . We wander here n there and manage to summon Eleanor out of the depths, apparently she thinks of me every time she smells her hair. Wondering why well you should come ask me in person :D :-P or it shall remain a mystery!!!

We go to cubes and it is dead, I mean there are a hand full of folk milling around looking bored. So after one drink we leave! Well we are heading home at breakneck pace and realise that we haven't any food! To the nearest takeaway!!! I of course decide on a tower burger n pizza. Burger for now, pizza for breakfast, standard. Here's something strange I do not remember walking back to Swapnal's. Hmmm I remember seeing Vicky outside the takeaway with Karly. But after that it's like BAM we are back at Swapnal's. Peculiar.

That's when Eleanor and her motley crew show up. I only really got to speak to Michael, sound bloke who offered me some JD straight from the bottle. Now here's the line up: Mark Mumby, Daniel, Laura and Josh. We sit we talk for what seems like forever! They all bail to go get food.

In this gap I consult my watch and realise its 03:00! Two of the chaps from work are thoroughly surprised at this and consult their phones. Turns out it is only 02:00! I had set my stopwatch at some point three hours previous and left it running!

They return for reasons I don't understand so we set about tidying up a bit before heading to bed. Vicky is back!  And helps me assemble the three sofas into quite the substantial bed :D I'm expecting a lengthy chat about travelling and life but she bids me good night. Still the only bed in that house I haven't kipped in, soon...

The next day creeps up and I have to head home asap as I have to drive over to Mexborough. Not hungover but I've only slept about 3 hours. At my advanced age, 26, this makes me look approximately 1 million years old. I see out the day fuelled by various stimulants. I know I should be the new poster child for healthy living!

How awesome is this!

How cute/badass was Chloe Moretz!

So here's a vid of some rather amazing dancing from Swapnal, Mark and Vicky!!! Yeah I think at least one of you is kinda gonna hate me for these :-P

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