Sunday 11 August 2013

Where do I begin?

This week has been a bit of a whirlwind. There has been good news at work, I get more things to do! YAY. I love having stuff to do, it helps to pass the time. Reminds me of the last episode of Sherlock. If you haven't seen it yet then sod off and don't read this next bit. Moriarti is on about how he just looks for distractions as life is so very boring. If we put survival to one side, i.e. you don't have to worry about a roof over your head or food on the table, then it kinda gets that way right?

I also came across this,, shared by none other than the roller girl who draws in secret! 50 Things Every Creative Should Know is the title but after thumbing through a few of them I'd say that isn't the case. It looks like things that everyone should have a quick read of, not just creatives. Alternatively one could argue that everyone is a creative, to a greater or lesser degree, hence this is for everyone! Yep you are not goin insane I did just use "one" in a way that makes me sound like a douche.

There was a staff nigh out, bowling followed by a meal. I was driving so this was the third work event I've been stone cold sober for. Will I ever learn? Probs not. This is going to sound like a bitch ass excuse but it's the truth! My wrist is all over the place, sprain/strain I reckon, meaning my power was way down. So who knew me in the old days? I'm talking before I was 21/22 ish? I was always Mr. explosive, that is to say I could hit, kick, tackle etc. harder than the average bear. Not sure where I was going with this but there we are.

I now recall that a certain Mr. Wayne Kerr was in attendance ;-) Oh and we discovered that Swapnal is apparently irresistible to underage teenage girls! There were a bunch on the lane next to him and they persisted to continually try and chat him up. Ah reminds me of a simpler time, before I got all serious and what not. Mark was also awarded a medal for his impressive efforts and mind bottling score of 38! If you get that reference then I'll give you a hug :D

I sucked at bowling, no power :-(. But I was treated to the spectacle of Mark Taylor "bowling". The lad does not conform to any social norms. This extends to bowling, which he does bolt upright. He has also been on stonking form at work! Now that coupled with Swapnal's 157 in one day means I may have to step up my game yet again. I've been coasting for some time now. I'm wondering, just how hard can I go?

That leads on rather nicely to something I saw many years ago. Anyone else watch a show called Last Man Standing? It was about a bunch of athletes, in different disciplines, going head to head, in tribal sports, around the world. Too many commas? Anyway here's a trailer:

Looks cool right? Well I enjoyed it when I watched all those years ago. One of the challenges is an river race and if the athletes are worthy they are given a "special" word to help them through the race. The American geezer with the aggression problem, Jason, doesn't get a word. So he makes up his own word to help him power up when he's down. And that word is HARDER! Whatever he's doing he'd just try harder, simple no?

Anyways I had one of those epiphany moments when something you hear instantly resonates with you and becomes part of your thinking. When I train this is pretty much what I do. Last Saturday I bought a new exercise bike, I think I may wear it out rather soon. Sound familiar? Well that's because I mentioned it last week :D I've noticed that when I use it I tend to go rather hard, so much so that I can't really do anything else whilst cycling. I've often heard people like to read, listen to audio books etc whilst doing their cardio. Why is it that whenever I do cardio it has to hurt or I just can't bear to bother with it at all? #masochist

I attended a funeral this week. It was for someone I've known for a since I was 8, that's a long time folks. I always took that certain people would always be fixed points in my life. The realisation hasn't descended on me, just yet, that there is no such thing. I won't go into detail as I don't think it would be right for me to share something that is not mine to share.

On a lighter note I did see Sanjay and Sarah there. They were their usual enormously welcoming, easy to talk to selves. When they emerged from the building the wake was being held in they both looked a little dazed, eyes half closed. This made me suspect that they had overindulged in the usual past time at wakes but alas I was mistaken. They'd been indoors in the relative dark and had just stepped into the light, hence the squinting. Also I learnt that the difference between a zinger burger and a zinger tower burger is a hash brown! And I have it on good authority that KFC Krushems are the best thing ever, this statement was accompanied by a camp "oh stop it you" hand gesture. Not gonna name n shame but you know who you are :-P

Well most, if not all, of you know I kinda have a soft spot for Roller Derby. Something which I've written about at great length here. Last week on ITV they were airing Whip It, it's a movie all about the sport. Before viewing it I went to my source for all things derby related, that is of course yep the roller girl who draws in secret! That's TWO mentions in one post. I think I may have to get out there and re-establish my network. I keep mentioning the same names over and over. They are some rather awesome folk to be fair so maybe that's not so bad.

Anyways back to Whip It, it's pleasant enough and goes over the basics of roller derby. Oh here's a list :D I do love to make lists of things! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!

What I liked:
  • Spot on atomosphere + general badassness
  • Names
  • Jimmy Falon
  • Switching a nerd to a hottie with a shave and a haircut! Means there is hope for all us nerds ;-)
  • Speed difference in the two sides of Bliss' life
  • She skates like Phoebe from Friends runs :D
Not so keen:
  • Shoehorned love story
  • Stereotypical overbearing mother
  • Confusing camera work during bout scenes
  • So many coincidences, I realise this is because film have to work quickly but it still annoys me!
  • Not enough detail on rules, makes it hard to follow whats going on exactly unless you know the sport already.
This week I also learnt the term clickbait! So here's a pic of Ellen Page:
She's actually in the film so I'm completely justified in putting this pic here. It's not just a cynical way to get anyone who likes the look of lovely Ellen to click through to my blog post :-P !

Was asked if I'd be buying any of the next gen consoles. I always assumed I would but come to think of it I don't have the time to game as much as I'd like to. Things'll only get busier so I think it may be time to move soon. Moving worries me a little but maybe I can convince some kick as people to move in with me thus making the event something to look forward to rather than something to fear.

Or I could go live alone...

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