So anyhow there are some serious movements afoot at work. I shan't speak of it as I am sworn to secrecy. I can tell you that I work in the dairy industry and that I sometimes wear a cape, mask and thigh high...I've said too much!

Anyone see this when I posted it earlier this week? How does it go? There are only seven storylines in the world? I have since purchased a book that is hopefully going to tell me all about it so I can ruin all conversations about films, books etc by neatly categorising them into the plot type they fall under.
Mark was on dynamite form this week "A hurricane = posh posh wind!" and "the River Dearne has it's own radio station, google it!" Myself and Mark were left alone in the office without any supervision on Tuesday! We did quietly get on with work and there was a welcome disruption from a few choice visitors. I managed to successfully operate NAV! Also found some faster ways of doing things that we do day to day! :D I do love to find slightly faster ways of doing stuff. I wonder if that could be my job? The guy who finds faster ways to do things, I'm sure there is a suitably fancy title I could concoct to make it sound like I actually do something valuable.
Did anyone watch last week's Science Club? Just me? Really? Well I am a bit of an outsider/nerd/general get the idea. Any how it was really boring! Well the bit about being able to rewire your point of view with some odd lenses was awesome. Neuroplasticity! This weeks featured this dude, I mean really he's a kick as physicist and he's absolutely breathtaking to look at. Unfair or what!
There talk of the the cosmological dark age, just after the big bang, got me and my broski talking.They are using a low frequency array to look for gaps thus indicating the formation of stars or maybe black holes! So instead of looking for eggs they are looking for the lack of eggs. This would indicate the presence of omelettes or maybe scrambled eggs! We spoke about this in enormous detail until the cows came home.
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Actual cows that are actually visible from the window of our "office" |
So 2 films in a day! Was to be The Wolverine and The World's End. So I text Stephen, thus awakening him from his epic slumber, he'd been up till 04:00 playing vidjoe games! Weird I know as he's not that into gaming. He gives me a ring and my brother answers as I am busy edging forwards in traffic. I buy a massive pepsi and head for the screen. Stephen immediately comments on the screen we've got. 9! "It's ever so cosy!" Now I had Stephen pegged as many things; gamer, manga lover, IT genius, squash drinker, tall man, generous lover etc. But I did not have him down as a connoisseur of cinema screens!
New Thor trailer! Stephen turns to me and says he doesn't understand what Loki's motivation for becoming evil. Now he's pointed that out I don't either! I suppose it's just who he is. Bit of a flimsy reason given my belief in everyone's ability to change who they are whenever they choose! Yep another link back to an old post. You love that stuff right? Cos what's in this weeks doesn't take you long enough to read. Always thinking of you guys :-P
SPOILER ALERT Wolverine is good enough and has it's moments of humour and general awesomeness. But the damsel in distress bit was rather boring + not explaining how his powers were going to be stolen. There was a sweet looking tease for the next xmen film :D I may not sleep tonight thinking about it!SPOILER ALERT
So I update Stephen about the business situations etc. And we chat about this n that before parting ways. Now I've got time! But I really need to pee! Who knew a litre of pepsi would have that effect! The nearest bathroom is in Mcdonalds. After using the facilities I feel bad if I don't buy anything so I go for the share box. Lots of chicken on offer by the look of it! Not the case -_- it is a mediocre amount of chicken! You never fail to disappoint me Mcdonalds. Still hungry I go to Subway where I consume a messy foot long Meatball marinara with all the salad :D damn it was good! Messy aswell, a view the entirety of anyone walking past Subway that day would have treated to!
I did see someone I hadn't seen in a decade or so. He's average height, blonde hair, loves weights, drives tanks, constantly in a rage? Anyone? No well it was Calv Taylor! I was so dumbstruck at seeing this blast from my past that I couldn't stop smiling for a good minute then realised I should have said something. I really suck with stuff like that! I remember every face no really I remember every face.
I did see someone I hadn't seen in a decade or so. He's average height, blonde hair, loves weights, drives tanks, constantly in a rage? Anyone? No well it was Calv Taylor! I was so dumbstruck at seeing this blast from my past that I couldn't stop smiling for a good minute then realised I should have said something. I really suck with stuff like that! I remember every face no really I remember every face.
Little broski recently purchased a phone and needed the contacts from his old phone transferring to his new one. The old phone is many millions of miles away, India so not technically true but it sounds better than thousands I think. Agreed? So they are all on his old sim. The man in the 3 shop bungs old and new sim in what looks like a pocket calculator and bobs your uncle done!
We then proceed to Argos to purchase a universal remote, broski dropped his thus making it impossible to activate the 21" tv he uses as a monitor. So we don't buy a remote as neither of us has done any research on them, to amazon! I leave with an exercise bike. It's in an average size box, the sort of box a pc tower would arrive in. But it weights 25KG and the weight is unevenly distributed. Now those of you who knew me in my camping in the gym days will think I've gone soft. And to a certain extent I have. Walking from Argos to the carpark is hilarious as it is ever so crowded and my brother and I don't really talk while we walk. Oh we are each holding one end of the box with one hand. He goes left I go right, bollards, lamposts, baby buggies it's a hilarious nightmare!
We get to the car park and ascend several, two, ramps to get to the car. On wards to the Slug and Lettuce! Now lunch was consumed at 15:00 and it is now 17:00. Not that hungry tbh and neither is Eleanor! She's had a big lunch. Me n the broski have a disappointing starter platter with some horrible olives. People cower indoors on account of the rain, luckily we have secured seating under an enormous umbrella. All covered except for the spare seat at our table, Eleanors! She arrives and demands to know where we are over the phone, spots us soon enough and nonchalantly solves the damp chair issue. She also appears to like the horrid olives we have exiled from the platter! Not high maintenance at all based on all the evidence available from what I've observed. I would make more observations but they tend to be a little too close to home so I shall refrain for now.
A hop, skip and a jump to the cinema where the ticket desk is closed! But we go to get tickets from the Ben & Jerry's counter instead. Here's the dumbass thing, I was at the cinema earlier in the day to see The Wolverine, so I could have gotten tickets then and had my pick of seats. But this is 5 mins before the film starts on a Saturday evening! D'oh! They've only got seats left on the front two rows :( Sitting there ruined my experience of Avatar, never again!. After some umming and ahhing we conclude to return tomorrow to see The World's End.
What Happened on Sunday shall follow if you are really good, eat all your veg and don't bow to societies expectations of how you should live your life ;-) :-P
Still Saturday we can't part ways, I think we are all the same in that we don't want parties to end. Unless we are sleepy or about to get laid. Then we couldn't care about the party. We hover about getting in the way at the Costa counter as Eleanor drinks a fruit cooler with two straws. Apparently it's like a solero that has melted, a tag line for sure. We observe some swans who are being attracted some kind soul scattering bread for them.
Intermittently one of the males puffs up and scares off the rest. How do I know it's a male? Well that's thanks to Elle who informed us that the males have bigger black bulbous bits on their bills! There was a young female who approached with an itchy head. We knew this because she was shaking it and proceeded to itch it with her foot. In order to reach her head she had to dip her head under the water! Blowing bubbles and scratching it with her foot, quite the site.
So I have finally gotten round to writing about Sunday the 4th of August. My god where did the year go? Seems like only yesterday I was sat at the beginning of the year not wanting to go back to work after some superb festive jollity. I fear I'll be soon sat at the end of my life looking back wondering where all the time went!!! I am listening to the Dr. Who Series 3 theme btw and it is making me all extra emotional/contemplative.
I awoke Sunday with my interiority in turmoil, certain things have happened that have left me questioning my choices etc. Ever feel the universe is trying to tell you something? From time to time it screams at you. Events occur in such intensely quick succession that I kinda feel a lesson is being blared at me. That said I do believe that something valuable can be gleaned from even the most mundane day to day occurrence. I'll stop right there.
Make a list of things you want to do and start doing them. I mean it my list is enormous and I have zero time atm but when I find even a little time I'll be doing all the shtuff :P I want to lunge wildly at the pope! If you get that reference I love you and I will marry you :-D If there is more than one of you out there that get's this reference, likely as there at least 100K people who glance this ridiculousness, then there are two options open to us:
- A first come first serve basis - the first to admit they get the reference receives my everlasting love and admiration.
- We move somewhere where polygamy is legal and live in an enormous happy family.
The ads begin and I observe David Beckham doesn't speak in the new sky ad! You heard it here folks I noticed this!!! Also the trailer for Kickass 2 doesn't have the main dude shirtless so much, in the one they show on a Sunday evening. I wonder why? Film begins and I am instantly transported back to my days as a teen hell raiser. Think of all the things that kids did to make your mum think you shouldn't hang with them. I was a combo of all that stuff together. Anyone believe me? The World's End is well worth a watch :D
SPOILER ALERT Central themes of violence, conspiracy and binge drinking. Well I would say loyalty, friendship, taking a chance, saying yes etc also feature heavily.
There is also a bit about life being a prison that you build either consciously of unconsciously. But that's a story for another day.
Bit like Che Guevara, moving on to the next fight etc.
Funny thing is that Simon Pegg's character is a real douche. An alcoholic who is constantly seeking a high, living in the past and suffering his present. Remind you of anyone? Oh and he still has a six pack and pecs despite all the drinking X-D SPOILER ALERT
I tend to have enormous discussions/laughing fits whilst missing whats on screen. I suppose the social expectation of silence at the cinema keeps a muzzle on me!
Again we leave the cinema and part ways, I really hate it when a party ends. Even one where you sat in silence for several hours. Strange that, have you ever just sat with someone for hours without doing or saying anything? Just sat? I am happy to sit with people but they won't just sit there so I chat :D
Get back to the carpark and with a whole lotta change ready to pay the £7 and to my shock it asks for £2.50! As I arrived after 18:00 I just have to pay the minuscule overnight rate! :D
Ordinary is boring, be extraordinary!!!
My top 6!
1. 1st day of March - Soiree, Sugarcubes and much snappage -
3. Liver... -
4. New job? -
5. I can run! No wait... -
6. Roller Derby = awesome! -
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