Wednesday 15 January 2014

Transient Big balls...

Does the size of the ball dictate it's potency?

Density surely plays a part as well.

Ball density...

DBZ yall if you haven't seen it then you missed out! This being the interweb if you look it's bound to be sitting there waiting to be watched :-D. My preoccupation with balls is because I now have three balls. Is that too many? Some people would say one is too many. I did think two was enough but now that I have three I reckon I've found my optimum number of balls.

Now for something completely different! It would appear it is time for me to move on. Not set in stone, I think I overuse that phrase! Do I? It would have been much harder to move on from my current state had I not been torn from it for three months. That was of course the time I spent in hospital + the time I was recuperating at home. Having returned to "normal" the decision is made that my routine shall be disrupted.I am used to this though I am usually the one who moves on. From school, uni, work etc. I've been the first to disappear into the ether.

Now in hindsight I was in something of a rut since around June 2013. Stagnation, it's the worst kind of nation. I need something that sets my soul on fire. Seeing as my body is in no fit state, my mind'll have to do. Urgh using the noodle is something I only resort to when all else has failed. All else has failed as my main pivot point is compromised. Maybe not...if I use my mind I should be able to come up with a way to utilise my body bypassing my spine. Yep I am proposing a spinal bypass. Sounds oh so fancy and what not right? Well it would be nothing more than a massive leather belt.

Never worn one of these bad boys, probs why my back is so messed up.
But that'll be once it's all healed and sealed etc. Got distracted for a 3 minutes and 47 seconds, Pass Out rolled round on my pumped playlist. Did I mention I love to dance? Maybe once or twice. If you're wondering who the first nutter on a dance floor at a wedding is, look no further! So how best to use this mass of neurons? I'm a scientist at heart at least that's what came easiest. Numbers, nature, patterns etc. And I find that stuff fascinating but it wouldn't get me out of bed in the morning or keep me up late at night.

The only thing that got me up early is training and the only thing that kept me up late at night is watching stuff on the internet and the obvious of course. So I should be some kind of PT/tv critic? Might as well want to be a rockstar/racing driver/genius. Being one out of three isn't so bad I suppose. Anyone else been considering something when hints present themselves? I'm at my what do I do next point in life and in comes a quote from a mystic. Big old beard, flies around the world, cheated creation and he loves to dance :-D, my kinda mystic.

"Do not do what you like-do what the world needs. Doing what you like is not freedom. 
Likes and dislikes are compulsive. "

Anyone believe in serendipity? The day I find out I'll be moving on I am emailed a job spec for some work that would help be pursue something that I have been considering pursuing. Vague I know but if I get specific we'd be here all day, not the most concise fellow in the world. So this appears to be pointing in the direction I should go. The job lends itself to my strengths but it's the location that makes it so appealing. Then I got another job ad for a job that'd give me a step into a career that my degree centred around, accountancy. And the office is described as boisterous! Best bit of my last job was the boisterous office! Oh and it's not just regular financial stuff it'd be management!

So I got myself into an enormous pickle about what I should do next. Then I did some physio work and rolled around on the floor laughing once I realised how ridiculous I was being. Too afraid to take the next step in case it's the wrong one. I mean really am I going to um and ah until both opportunities pass me by? Nope! I'm gonna jump in, at least that's the plan.

One of many fictional heroes I hope I grow up to be like :-D So I'm going to be rolling the dice and trying whatever I end up with. If it works, fantastic! If not move on! Bernie Mac, get my reference? If you do then you know the drill. Nuptials here we come. My frequent threats/offers of marriage may mislead you to think that that's what I'm looking for. I'd have you believe that it's not but the truth of the matter is that I honestly don't know :-S Big old I don't know or IDK if you will atm.

My final Friday treat!

Forgot that SDRG gave me the shirt on the Saturday we said farewell to her! The tale of the hat is one of the more lengthy anecdotes that add up to the fabric of my rich and colourful life! I was rooting through my bag to make space when I came across it and there it is! and there was an extra surprise I wasn't expecting. That is of course the awesomeness that's on the back!

Emblazoned, discretely, across the back!
I was going to leave it at that but then I received a phone call at 16:00 yesterday. I was thinking who the devil is this at 16:00 on a Tuesday! It is of course one of my oldest friends in the world Aathiththan, yep his name is harder to spell than my own! He asks me whereabouts I work and my response includes location as well as the fact that I no longer work there. Expressing his guttedness he asks me whether I'd be up for meeting up as he and his girlfriend are driving up the A1 atm. My answer...hell yes! Well it came out sure, need to work on effectively expelling my enthusiasm.

He asks me where? Well I'm thinking Grantham as it's not so far off the A1 so they wouldn't have to make a massive detour. Now here's a question I didn't think I'd ever hear "what's good in Grantham?" I've been six places in Grantham: Asda, the train station, Morrisons, the DVLA test centre, Meres leisure centre and the Farrier. Doesn't really give me much to go on when asked where we could meet up for some food. So I leave it down to him and his phone. They are about 40 mins from Grantham so I get ready sharpish and head out the door, takes me about 25 mins from Sleaford.

As I drive I realise we haven't set up any kind of rendezvous so I go to my nearest familiar landmark, Asda. It is then that I receive a call letting me know that they are near the Guildhall and they've found somewhere called Gurkha's Square. I have no idea where that is so I park at the top of the high street and hoof it the rest of the way. Turns out it's a fair old trek from point to point. But on arrival I am warmly received by the Aathiththan and Ro. The first Ro I've ever met!

Have a bit of chat about the state of my nerves, damaged. Their time in Africa, India and London. Interviews, dissection, learning methods, Manchester, my broski, marriage, jobs, redundancy, who I worked for, our history, the future, bungee jumping, being thrown like a ball, boerboels and so much more. Lovely couple and time flies by. Oh the Gurkha's square has a cracking table buffet. £10 for a massive starter and several main courses all brought to your table! Only thing was that they got filled up by the starter and it was a little early for me, usually eat around 19:00 and it was only 18:00.


Something my dear brother sent me.

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