Monday 1 July 2013


Now I've had liver once before, well I lie I've had liver several times before but usually in the form of a pâté. The only time I've had it without it being ground up was the first time I tried it. This was several years ago in Nottingham. We used to have an annual Christmas meal at the house that involved the gathering of such legends as Phil, Dawson, Richard, Burak, Rick, Chris, Sreek, Haseler Sr. and Jr., Pete and my good self. If I've missed someone it's only because you don't matter :P

Anyway those of you who have cooked poultry will know that giblets roast along with everything else adding to the awesome flavour of the juice that eventually becomes the gravy. Giblets consist of neck, heart, gizzard and liver? Anyway one particular time the lunch was running late, as always and I was hungry. I am pretty much in a constant state of peckishness that I have managed to keep at bay with massive amounts of self discipline and fruit.

So I start munching on the giblets. Have a go at the heart, it's ok and then there is the liver. It looks weird, I know that is kind of a weird thing to say  but I take a big bite and! Smooth, rich, creamy I'd never tasted anything like it. I was so blown away I offer some to Phaseler so he too may enjoy the awesomeness! Any way this kicked off my love of liver. Or so I thought.

Late last week I was perusing the aisles at the local supermarche and I spied chicken livers! Total no brainer as I love all things liver. So I get some and I am all giddy about how excellent they are going to be! Anyhow I get round to opening up these badboys and the smell is what hits me first. I am not squeamish in the slightest but this stench makes me think that these livers are not meant to be eaten!

A few examples of how un-squemish I am I've disposed of several dead half decayed animals that have inexplicably appeared on the premises. The weirdest of these was an expired hedgehog that was in the driveway with it entrails strewn behind it like they had just exploded out. Have you ever seen a dead hedgehog at the side of the road blown up like a balloon waiting to pop? How about the explosive whale video? Even if your answer is yes then it's still worth watching again.

Anyway I plough on and chop it up and begin frying it off. The smell does not subside with cooking. After a few mins it looks done so I pop a bit in my mouth and it is so rich that I am really taken aback. I manage about half of what I cooked along with a salad and had to give the rest to Tim. Who didn't have any issues disposing of it.

On a side note I am seeking the perfect homemade burger recipe. I've tried adding egg yolk + various spices and salt. Think my problem is I tend to make them too big so they take ages to cook. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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