Wednesday 24 July 2013


Not to be confused with the lost boy of course. He lost his marbles don't you know! Anyone? Just me again :-/ uncool people :-P If you haven't seen this film then take some time out of lives, right now, and see it!

Back to the topic from the title, predictable I know, I do find couthness to be ever so tedious! I draw when I'm bored. I wouldn't class it as drawing tbh as I can rarely produce something that looks like something real. For example if someone said draw a cup I would sketch up a cup. But if someone pointed to a cup and said draw this I'd struggle. I think I have mental problems!

I draw faces, animals, spirals, massive collars...thought I'd better stop as I don't know where I'm going with this. Anyway I found a little collection of drawn things that I appear to have put in storage. I say storage but they were really lurking in, one of the many, piles I have deposited around my abode. Abode's not right! It's a room + garage where anything I can claim to be mine is kept. This collection includes:
An 18th birthday card! Lovingly crafted by Amber Stokes and Aprille Vining :D
An assortment of things I drew on the front of my notebook from my final year at uni.
An abstract shape I suspect was sketched by Fish
A muscular gent, kindly drawn by Noj Allot.
I've decided to sprinkle these about the post to break up the tedium of my written verse.

Oh and the thing at the top of the page! I wanted to do a little thing about these doodles that we all do. Admittedly some better than others. Whilst on a drive to Sturton by Stow I heard Gemma Cairney's show. She mentioned an in house illustrator who was drawing the show as it happened! I thought that was amazing that someone can visualise whats happening on the radio. Addmitedly it's a little strange using a visual medium to record something that is suppose to be audio only but I think it's rather innovative.

Just noticed that everyone seems to doodle. Even if it's scribbling or shading etc most folk will have a bit of a draw when they're waiting, bored etc. I knew one girl who would sketch stuff in lectures, I thought she was bored/distracted but apparently it's the only way she stays focussed! Doodling is one of those things I could do for ages without getting bored. If I was any good I'd totally consider making a career of it, I am no good :-(

An assortment of things I drew on the front of my notebook from my final year at uni.
Reminds me of this "I've always marvelled at people who knew exactly what they wanted to do in life. Artists, musicians, actors, comedians etc.are the examples that spring to mind. These folk love what they do and have pursued it. I never really loved doing anything that much that I would go to any length to pursue it." It's from a post titled Ticking over. You can go hunt for it in the annuls of my blog archive! Or you could alternatively and rather boringly click here.

I did just quote myself, yep I have written so very much that I can refer to myself! Or my thoughts circle around to the same point over and over again. I prefer the former, but what do you think? Of course you are maintaining radio silence. If you were to speak then we both know exactly what would occur. You and I would instantly shatter and transform into a trillion tiny mirrored fragments. Hovering around the known universe, eternally seeking a way to undo this voodoo that has transformed us into this shimmering fog.

An abstract shape I suspect was sketched by Fish
There are lots of things I could do all day that just won't pay the bills! Doodling, working out, these scribblings, debating concepts, gaming, reading manga, dismantling anything, building anything. All I could come up with for now, if I ever find a way that I can charge people to let me do those things then I'm set for life! If I could combine this lot into a uber job then I may literally explode with excitement!

A muscular gent, kindly drawn by Jon Allot.
 Back to doodling, why do we do it at all? It would appear we all do, to a greater or lesser extent. Take it back further, cave paintings. We've been drawing shtuff for ages! Well I suspect it's subconscious mumbo jumbo finding an outlet. Clouds and freedom, boxes and restraint, plants and growth etc. The mind being a funny old thing that it is.

I usually draw faces. As you can see from the cover of my notebook there is Kakashi, monkey, witch, Morpheus (looking a little friendlier then in the movies), moustachioed cat, generic gangster, samurai, rabbit, bear, frog, pirate parrot, pug and two drawings which I believe are supposed to be me! As to why I draw faces I'm unsure. Why the face? Well I would say the majority of someone's character can be contained and expressed via their face!

I once heard someone ask the question "where is your ego?" People started answering in their minds, behind their personality, in their confidence etc. The answer that was shot back was that it is mostly in your face. Identity, if someone were asked to describe you then they could go one of two ways, I think. One way would be your tendencies, your personality. The other would be your build and facial features. Recall the last person you spoke to...are you picturing their face? Maybe that's why I draw faces!?

They actually study doodles!

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