Sunday 28 April 2013

Plans, wings, pen 15 and Ludacris

Yesterday, as much as the day doesn't exist it did happen. Have I lost you yet?

Got up at 4am, caught the train at 7am got to work at 8am. I then spent 45 minutes sat on top of my suitcase, I carry my sleeping bag in a suitcase because I've lost my sleeping bag bag. Steph our superb delivery agent swung by to take the piss and drop off our Friday delivery.

Set off from work met up at spoons for a civilised drink. Mandy drove us! Reminiscent of my first week in the job when she drove us across town a few times :-D Some time passed and we headed off to Ribs 'n' Bibs. Where we'd liberally coated the table in our stock catchphrases/expressions. I then proceeded to deliver an extraordinarily moving speech only pausing to write Pen 15 on Sarah's hand. I chose to write in board marker, partly because that's all we had and partly because it should wash/wipe off quite easily. That said the Pen 15 was refreshed on a regular basis, awesome!

It's all sounding rather run of the mill am I right? But now comes the bucket of 50 wings which have to be consumed in 25 minutes. So I go flying out the gates chomping like a mad man. If one of the photos is anything to go by I eat wings with my eyes closed! As time progresses my face is slowly accrues a liberal layer of sauce, whilst the bib remains strangely clean.

In the end I managed to battle through 43 of the bad boys. That's 86%, but this is an all or nothing challenge and now my sad, sad face adorns the wall of shame :( :D.

But that's not all that happened, we discussed an enormous variety of topics: adoption, incarceration, cycling whilst under the influence, Marc's dedication towards becoming hench n gay, secret asians etc. The night kind of petered out after that. I also managed to pull off the five question con on Fish! Been meaning to try it forever and was presented with an opportunity too good to turn down :-D

Swapnal and I went in search of Mark, who was sporting a mankini + bib combo that was too...I honestly don't know how to describe it. But we walked in to a club stood around for a bit and decided we were in the wrong place and walked out again. Upon finding the right entrance the queue is look rather ridiculous, ain't nobody got time for that! So we grab a pizza and walk back to Eastbourne St. On the way we receive some abuse from some lovely young men shouting from a car :D

Get in, watch 2 Fast 2 Furious and then I decide to read a bit of Double Cross before dozing off. As I am reading about the exploits of Dusko Popov in America, Swapnal's new flatmate Vicky gets in from a night out. Of course she confuses me for Swapnal, as you all know we are identical in everyway so it's to be expected :P That said thoroughly nice girl who chatted to be for about an hour.



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