Sunday 28 April 2013

Tim: Labrador and Legend pt.2

So was walking my dog, Tim, a few days ago and he decides to drop a deuce. So me, being the responsible owner, stand and wait bag in hand. I hear some rustling from a nearby garden gate and assume that a neighbour is about to walk out and inevitably engage me in awkward conversation as Tim nonchalantly relieves himself on the pavement.

To my surprise a black cat pops it's head over the fence and proceeds to climb on to the gate. Upon spotting myself and Tim it freezes in it's tracks. A couple of seconds later a large, fluffy white n ginger cat climbs onto the fence behind the black one and seems perplexed by what the hold up is. The one behind is protesting loudly and shoving the other one, the one in front struggling to resist the others incessant nudging.

The fluffy cat pushes past and instantly notices myself and Tim and freezes. So the scene is my dog taking a deuce on the pavement, while I standby with a bag, and two cats are perched on the gate trying to be invisible!

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