Monday 7 August 2017

Born to?

I'm feeling ever so down, straight in there, no faffing around. There will be faffing around, don't worry.

This may be because I've had a drink three days on the trot, just the one in the evening with dinner. First two days, totally fine. Yesterday I was seesawing between anger and sadness, possibly the worst kind of seesaw. Thoughts, is there a worse seesaw you've encountered? Note I didn't ask if there was a worse seesaw you could conceive.

I'm going to be vague, urgh generalities and vagueness. The reasons for which may be awfully apparent, or awfully unapparent, I'm unsure. But I'm mostly unsure, about this and most things in life.

So I saw a title of a video "Born to make..." now my discomfort with the title stemmed from the word born. For me birth ties directly with infancy, and giving a baby such a heavy mantle is not cool. But lets dig a little deeper.

Now then, I've written about this before, but it's something I struggle with. The idea of fate. It's said we have free will, discretionary nature, etc. We can be whoever/whatever we want to be, within reason. Terminator 2 "No fate but what we make?

So that hands the reigns to us, we are the captains of our own destiny. But there is another idea, one that feels scientific at least, that counters it. If you know the location and velocity of every atom in existence you can predict the future. The problem is that there are a lot of atoms, somewhere between 10^78 and 10^82, those number flummox me.

Then there's a thing called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, anyone savvy? If yes you can skip this paragraph. It states that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory. As to why, I suspect that the observation process itself alters a particles momentum. Maybe, I'm not a physicist, not even remotely close. So we can know where something is, or it's velocity, but not both simultaneously.

Phew. Now just because we can't do it, doesn't mean that everything isn't predetermined. We are part of the system, matter being batted about by the forces of the universe set in motion at the big bang. Whilst we operate day to day in a way that feels as though we are separate, we're not. All connected, all under the influence.

So we're born into a system that operates on a scale that we can not hope to comprehend. We suffer, struggle, cling. Trying to be... happy? That's the whole point right, to be happy. But if we are indeed caught in a system that we have no control over, why do we struggle against the overwhelming current? Fear? I know that's why I cling to what I know, what I want.

This doesn't feel finished, but I have run out of things to say specifically about it.

So I'll recount something that happened to me yesterday. I awoke around 0830, meditated, exercised, and sent off to CnC HQ. It's about a 30 minute drive, the radio blasts contemporary pop. I more or less switched off during the drive, switching back on in Bracebridge Heath. The roadworks are no more, there are more in town holding everything up. A dude let's me into traffic, reaffirming my faith in the goodness of humanity.

I can't park where I usually park, it's been coned off for work that isn't happening currently. I park down the street, and walk to CnC HQ with my filming equipment, we're brainstorming today. I have a few ideas. But this is Swap's baby that he's wanted to do from day one. Somehow CnC took over, probably because I was doing the heavy lifting and eating comes easy.

Rick's in attendance, we watch... something then watch episode three of The Mash Report. It's good, we settle in to brainstorm. Swaps actually written some topical satirical headlines, I'm impressed. We spitball format, structure, length. I always air on the side of brevity. Whilst long form, like all these words I'm writing right now, is great for getting your point across. Short, punchy, shareable. That's what we need to do.

We discuss whether to do release each headline as we think of it or aggregate them together at the end of the week. We resolve to do both, one to build buzz the other as a summary/best of.

It's fun, we chew over names. Now time for community shield, sponsored by Mcdonalds, hilarious. I wander off to buy something from Coop. I reminisce about where I collided with a people carrier whilst driving a gigantic refrigerated van. I look around, I can't quite bring myself to carb up in the middle of the day. I settle for overpriced chicken breast. I know it's be disappointing but it's nutritionally sound.

I want to tell you about my weight loss journey this year. But I'm saving it, probs shouldn't lest it fester and become something else, like blue cheese. Ooh if you leave and idea could it morph/decompose into something more delicious. Like long chain hydrocarbons, mmmm carcinogenic. Ah I'm back. I'd lost myself briefly but the segue, diversionary, meanderer, is alive and well.

Football, followed by a brief non directional shoot. I'm playing the relaxed guy, I know it's such a stretch for me. Swap is the upbeat news anchor. We both throw out a little gold making Producer Rick laugh. We watch it back, it ends with "Colin Firth..."

So I feel better but I haven't resolved anything. I know what I have to do, I think but it's finding the opportunity to do it. Alas I must wait on a communique, not by carrier pigeon. It's being transmitted by this shiny new idea, the internet? Apparently it involved fibres, copper, clouds, and farms.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Six Days, Five Nights, and a Frivolous Amount of Walking - Day 6

Day 6 - April 24

A few hours later Issi’s alarm awakens us. We get up, I think we both more or less wake up as we are. Does that make sense? You know how some folks wake up sort of groggy/grumpy, we don’t. She asks if I was relying on her alarm to awaken us, I confirm I wholeheartedly was. She tells me it was a risky move, I’m unsure why though. She’s a light sleeper, perhaps a commentary on the unreliability of iphones. Again I apologise as my memory is fading.

We gather everything, one last tidy. I take a pic that gets me totes emot, post it to facebook. It’s time to go, we follow the key handover procedure and wave goodbye to our home for the past six days and five nights. Oh at some point I explained that home was number 42, and 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything. I’d even brought along a tshirt to that effect, I was wearing it as we left, along with three coats.

We walk to the bus stop, Issi has taken charge of navigating to the airport. We wait outside the metro station we arrived at when we first got here. I think I reminisce about missing out on a sausage bouquet, soup in bread, and a dobos torte. More people arrive, we feel vindicated that this is right side of the road to be on for a bus that heads in the direction of the airport. Folks have bags.

The wrong bus, then the right bus arrives. We get on and go to pay, the driver waves us past. Result, free bus ride! We take our seats, again the conversation escapes me. We get off at the right stop though, we know because the other folks with bags have done the same. The second bus arrives, this time we have to pay, I think we were last on, Issi was last on. I remember because the other passengers were already seated. To avoid their knees I hoisted my bag up. The bus starts, I lose my balance, the bag flails towards the other already seated passengers. I apply a course correction, thus preventing the bag from colliding with another human being. In doing so I lose my balance more, somehow I don’t fall. Glancing back Issi is in veritable hysterics, she apolgises for laughing, my bus bumbling was just too funny. Despite my obviously embarrassing loss of balance her laughter made it worthwhile.

We find some unoccupied seats and the bus makes it’s way to the airport. Upon arrival there’s a little confusion about which way to go but we’re shortly in the terminal. The order of events confuses me a little here. I think we went to duty free to so one of us could swiftly, coat ourselves in some nondescript scent. Onwards to breakfast.

Wandering around we settle on a place selling pizza, I spy spanish omelettes and we opt for for both. Issi nabs the last slice of breakfast pizza, I think I went for pepperoni. I also buy an overpriced bottle of water. See image below, it’s got it’s mineral content broken down!!!

Minerals, have you got them?
We nab a table, I think we may’ve secured it using some or all of my three coats. The foods good, plus vfm. Issi offers me the rest of her pizza, I’m quite sure I ate it. I spy movement… something darts into a shrub that’s situated quite close to us. I’m unsure if I actually saw movement or if I just imagined it, I’ve had maybe 4 hours sleep. There’s a bird in the shrub! I try to take a photo, it flies away before I can. Issi teases me for my frequent outbursts of disproportionate joy, at the mere sight of any animal.

We get ready to queue, and go join the rest of the folks waiting to board the plane. This time we’re on the same shuttle bus, packed in like sardines. Luckily I’m within reaching distance of an overhead handrail, you know so you don’t fall over when the bus twists and turns. Issi is not, I ask if she wants to switch places, she declines. Once the bus starts moving she almost loses her footing, I say “feel free to bounce off me”, I realise what I’ve said as soon as I’ve said it. I offer her my arm, she takes it. We stand steady awkwardly arm in arm. Before long we’re at the plane.

Seated separately, I’m at the front, she’s at the back. I send her a message echoing the sentiments of my message when we first got to Budapest, stating I’m on the plane towards the front. The plane appears to taxi for ages, I drift off before, during, and after take off. The flight passes in a flash, and we’re at EMA before I know it.

Disembarking we’re reunited just in time for another queue. Issi confesses she paid for water during the flight, I’m bereft as I still have my overpriced bottle of water and I don’t feel thirst like most folks. I usually drink a lot of water in one go, then forget till I get a headache. She also tells me of two inappropriately flirty, loud women. This may've happened on our flight to Budapest, my memory is getting quite muddled. At the front of the queue Issi is called up first, a security lady asks if we’re travelling together. I run through all the possible meanings of the word “together”. We were on a holiday together, but we booked separately, sat separately, etc. So I say no. Issi would later tell me that I could’ve probs said yes.

Walking back through the airport, I think Issi texts her folks. Someone was wound up a mate wasn’t there in time to pick them up. I think. Again my memory is fading. I spot a wagtail and point it out, she teases me again about my disproportionate joy. Once seated on the shuttle bus we spot an old asian man who is wearing, what we conclude to be, whatever he wants. Jet 2 car park is ages away, we remember the landmark so we don’t have to haphazardly search for the car. Load up, car starts, phew.

ANPR doesn’t let me out, curses. I press a button on the terminal and dude asks for my name, reg etc. The barrier lifts, I thank the disembodied voice, and roll out. SatNav tells me where to go, I dutifully follow. Issi and talk about this and that. She tells me she thinks I’ve shifted back to my analytical voice, the one I use when I don’t know something and use reason/logic to deduce it. I reckon it was probably because I hate to say goodbye. I briefly get lost, but we’re soon outside Issi’s place in Notts.

I request to use her bathroom, apologising as I’m sure she’s had quite enough of me for at least six months. She elegantly acquiesces to my request, deftly dismissing my insecure apology. Upon entering her flat she declares she’s disappointed at the lack of post. I use the facilities, and boldly stride into the living kitchen diner. I realise my fly was undone, I turn and zip myself up. She laughs and says I look like, if I could blush I would be. I hand her a small leather pouch, and tell her to open it once I’m gone. It contains a gift and a note, I wrote said note before we left. We hug, and thank each other for a great holiday. In that moment it felt as though I’d been back in England for such a long time. Issi hands me S’more pop tarts, I love pop tarts.

We say our goodbyes and I drive to my folks place, about an hour away. I’m back there now as I write this. I meet my tiny mother, she’s been by herself for a week or two. My dad’s overseas doing his thing, saving the world one person at a time.

And that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is the tale of how I went on holiday with a girl I’d never met. But I’m not finished, oh no.

Anyone ever seen the film “Yes Man”? Jim Carey’s character says yes to everything for a year after asking a motivational speaker, played by Terence Stamp, what he should do. I would have anticipated that the holiday would be fun, but I had an absolute blast. I learnt a lot, and I now want to see everything. I met and got to know someone of amazing depth, conviction, openness, unfathomable kindness, and a tolerance for foot pain that may never be surpassed.

Question is, are you picking up what I’m putting down?
Time to say goodbye to our home for the last six days and five nights. 
If you're ever in Budapest, Zichy Jeno Utca, No. 42, you've been outstanding.

Only if you agree with me

I'm here again trying to begin a thing, urgh things. I was about to launch into how definition creates separation/isolation etc. But that's not why I came here. I'm here to work through an odd resistance that I noticed just now. Skip to somewhere in the middle for a truTV video that triggered this.

MBTI, anyone savvy? Those of you who've worked in industry, been on corporate retreats, have an active HR unit probs have. It stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and puts you into one of sixteen personality types.

Straight from Wikipedia, click here to read their explanation.
I'd recently been through the process, half day away with my work colleagues. Drinking tea and eating biscuits, I did neither as I am an unfeeling ascetic. Untrue, I'm actually an emotional fat boy, who has cultivated an identity of being always fasting, thus people assume and reinforce the idea that I will not eat anything. Back to the half day, the most interesting part was talking to those I work with, in some detail about their past, present, and future.

Then came the time for sitting in a circle an talking through our MBTI. We did a self assessment to see whether we were:
  • Extrovert or Introvert
  • Thinker or Feeler
  • Sensing or Intuition
  • Judging or Perceiving
We then compared our self assessment with the outcome from our MBTI questionnaire. I more or less nailed mine, felt rather proud for being all sorts of self aware. My score between thinking and feeling was split super close. We read some descriptions of what the 16 categories were all about and were asked to choose one, based on everything we'd learnt so far.

I forget what I picked but it turns out it was the same as my boss, thick as two thieves in a pod, does anyone get that reference?

I then proceeded to not think about it till a week or so ago. A relatively new friend asked me what my MBTI was, as she suspected we may be the same. I had my questionnaire and associated booklet to hand and sent her a message explaining the quandary of my thinking feeling split. I was excited to find out if there was someone out there who was just like me.

Today one of my favourite YouTubers, Phillip Defranco, mentioned a new vid from truTV in their "Adam Ruins Everything" series. I love this series as it debunks things like wine snobs, alpha males, low fat food, lie detectors, etc. Click here for a big old playlist. So he goes through why MBTI is probably a load of boloney.

Care to hazard a guess as to my initial reaction? Go on, play along, indulge me please?

It wasn't instant acceptance, it was resistance. I was unsure why I would resist this well argued point, with references, backed up by Wiki. My initial thought was I want to be the same as my old boss, a veritably organised finance powerhouse, and my friend. But as I write this I suspect this goes deeper, that's what she said.

Yesterday I wrote about how I'm not really sure who I am anymore. Whether I formed a mask and have cowered behind it since or if that's just me and I'm wishfully thinking it wasn't. Luckily I was born human and I don't have to be as I am, discretionary nature. I think I've written all about that previously. So I reckon that's what I was resistant, a revelation that makes me unsure. Which is good, conclusion is comforting but boring, n'cest pas?

- Karl Jung
Oh and my resistance is nay more to this, thanks writing, you've done it again.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

My voice, face, etc.

Recently I realised something about my voice, here's a thing for some reason or other about that. So I grew up in a fair few places. Sri Lanka, Rochford, Norfolk, High Wycombe, Grimsby, Louth, Sleaford, Spalding. Not a lot but that's between the ages of 0-18. Most of my formative years, aged 8-16, were spent in Grimsby/Louth, does anyone know how folk from the old fishing port sound? Hull/Yorkshire/Lincolnshire.

So you'd expect me to sound that way, alas I don't. I sound quite neutral, non regional diction, newsreader. Not home counties, it's "plant" not "plarnt" etc. Now I assumed that my voice just morphed as a result of my moving about so frequently. Alas that 8 year block in one location should've set it up to be a certain way. I say this because I noticed that my friend who grew up there still sound that way, they live all over the shop now.

So why did my voice become the way it is. I recently discovered that my original voice still exists, but I have to make a conscious switch over to it. I default to my neutral speech pattern. The neutral voice comes with added bass, odd right?

My "original" voice has a bit of lisp, not a proper lisp. One that has bit of a "shhhh" at the end of words, does that make any sense? Come have a chat I'll see if I can reel demonstrate it for you. I would suspect that I hid my "northerness" unconsciously. I hide a great deal about myself.

Growing up I was the fat lad, so I wore oversized clothing, to hide away my overweight body. English wasn't my first language, so I didn't speak up much, to hide my accent. I think that has carried on to today. Before the move to England I was a boisterous showboat. Now I'm a boisterous introvert.

This has extended further into my career choices, accounting. Behind the scenes, key, but not centre stage.

I suppose what I'm getting at is that what I have built and presented to the world as me, may not really be who I am. Then there's the whole argument about are you "born" as you are, do you become who you are, or can you create yourself. I suspect all three are true.

I want to be out there talking to people, making a difference, hands on. But that frightens me, I don't know why. There was a point where I consciously moved towards my discomfort, finding what frightened me and doing it. Generally finding that whatever it was was not so frightening after all. Then my back broke, read all about it here, that's part one, there are four parts in total.

The effect that had one me... I wanted to go back to how I was before. But when something so heavy happens there's a bunch of stuff that comes with it that needs to be dealt with. No more heavy lifting, piggybacks, etc. I was always the big strong fellow, a physical identity that was obvious. Now who am I? I don't know.

So I suppose that's where I am now. I don't really know who I am. I like to write, but so what. I like to read too, and travel, and talk, eat, analyse, dissect, poke holes etc.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Six Days, Five Nights, and a Frivolous Amount of Walking - Day 5

Day 5 - April 23

Ummm, this was the day we were supposed to hit the thermal baths. It’s a Sunday… the locals and tourists will be out in force, as we saw at the central market. The plan was to awaken and head out of the door to make it to the Széchenyi thermal baths just as the doors were opening. Thus avoiding the incoming throng.

Can you spot the issue with this particular plan? Remember what we had done the previous evening? That’s right we’d imbibed a considerable quantity of various alcohols. Champagne, creme de cassis, red wine, gin, vermouth, more red wine, more gin, more vermouth, rum, irish cream liqueur, coffee liqueur, amaretto. You get the picture.

There’s a brief interlude of confusion and piecing together what happened, followed by a little more sleep and then a resolution to be out the door by 11:00.

So we awaken slowly and go about getting ready for the thermal baths. We need to take stuff to change into etc. There was probably fake coffee involved, I apologise for getting up to pee so often. Issi hadn’t noticed, and yup I’d just drawn attention to me getting up to pee a lot. Now you know all about me getting up to pee a lot. Also this paragraph contains the word pee in a concentration that I don’t think I have ever encountered before. Let’s move on.

The light of day is refreshing and unforgiving, we walk to Oktogon metro station. We navigated there, mostly, using a sense of direction! We buy tickets from a machine and descend, there are ticket guys. But they are decorative, the machines do all the hard work. We just missed one and await another.

It’s now I voice my concern as to whether we are on the right side of the platform. You know one side goes north the other goes south, etc. Turns out we were on the wrong side, but kudos to us for realising before we got on a train going the wrong way. Alas our tickets are already punched, we’ll have to purchase more.

The surly anarchist rises up from within my usually mild mannered compatriot, she declares “we can beat the man and machine combo!”. The machines do the heavy lifting and a simple ticket rotation will suffice to confuse their limited mechanical minds. Issi breezes through with ingrained effortless elegance. I stand there whilst the machine does nothing with my ticket, the guy looks at me I try again. Issi glances back. It’s all about to kick off… the machine punches a hole in my rotated ticket, phew.

We board the metro and ride to Széchenyi furdo, it’s uneventful. When things go to plan it’s hardly ever noteworthy, right? We get out and walk to the thermal baths, there’s a queue, a word I learnt to spell a few days ago. I believe if you’ve read the previous day’s escapades you’ll know how that came to pass.

We pay, Issi used her prepaid travel card, for the first time. The woman behind the glass stares at it unconvinced it’s for real. But all goes to plan and we are allowed entry to thermal baths. We walk around unsure about if there is a male and female changing room… I blame the ticket pricing structure. If all goes to plan I’ve inserted a picture below:

All prices in HUF
We sprung for the daily tickets with locker use, expecting there to be large communal changing rooms. Like in a gym, at least that’s what I was expecting, and by the level of our shared confusion so was Issi. Turns out there are cubicles to change in, the cabins are slightly bigger and you can just leave your gear there. Confusing, right? We’re issued rubber wrist straps, our day passes.

Anyhow, we get changed and I briefly wonder where Issi is, then I see her, looking intense. I confess that I bought these swimming shorts several years ago and they are far too big, hence why I’m holding them aloft with one hand, she laughs. We manage to flag down a locker attendant and precariously balance our bags and my coats on top of each other. The locker lady issues us with a number on a ribbon, I store it in this nifty little pocket in my shorts that’s specifically for storing such things.

Issi has flip flops, I’m barefoot. With towels in hand we stride forth into the cold light of day once more, and by jingo it was cold. Motivation to store our towels and get into the warm water asap. We do so taking strong mental note of where our towels are in relation to everything else, lest we leave the pool and are unable to find them. It’s busy, not brimming, but full enough that every move has to be considered in case you unintentionally nudge a stranger.

It is lovely though, warm water, surrounded by people who are in varying states of relaxation. There are some upward jets and a fountain, we tentatively approach. The fountain is blasting cold water, no thanks. Once people locate a jet they appear to be unwilling to budge, we lose patience and find a step to sit on. We grow a little restless and move on.

Upon stepping out of the warmth of the water the coldness of the air is immediately overwhelming, for me at least. Issi appears to be her usual unflappable self, I’m a little jealous tbh. We locate our towels, thanks to those strong mental notes, and I wrap up. I’ve got a microfibre travel towel, not suited to shield me from the cold.

I think we wandered indoors, mostly to get away from the cold. There was mention of a beer spa… at some point we tried to track it down, concluded it was either an elaborate misdirect or a premium spa treatment. We abandoned our quest for the beer spa.

We step into a pool that’s emptyish, it’s slightly cooler. We people watch, reel of a few accents, try and spot locals, see the odd stag party. I think I busted out my fact about brown folks not floating. Something Issi is not convinced about, man’s just too dense. It’s not like I’m fat free, currently rocking 16% bodyfat, I’ll stop myself here before I diverge into a detailed analysis of the composition of my body, I realise no one wants to know :-(

She floats, I demonstrate I can do the same but only by leveraging against the wall with considerable effort. She gives me a look that says “it’s not that hard…”, I’m sure it’s alright if you’re white… ruddy white privilege, am I right!?

Moving on, there are pools, pools, and more pools. Varying things in them, temperatures, etc. The sauna, one of my favourite past times, calls to us. But they are filled with humans, no seating. Issi manages to fit in a space my… considerable frame could not. I stand, she laughs, it dawns on me I am stood at the door of the sauna with my arms folded across my chest. Question is do you know what I resembled at that point, why my fellow traveller was laughing at me?

We’re at the familiar stage where I’m asking you to guess, make an educated, calculated, even whimsical guess. Have you got one, I hope so…

Man standing at a door, he’s stocky, dark, arms crossed across his chest, I look like a bouncer, a sauna bouncer! I confirm that’s why she’s laughing, it is. A space opens up I sit down, it’s not hot enough for me to start sweating. My sub tropical heritage has it’s advantages, after brief Googs it turns out I have tropical heritage, well how about that. Issi bails, I follow. There’s a shower that blasts warm then cold water, it was humorous to observe before we got in the Sauna but once in, it’s anything but funny. Issi wisely abstains from the water based self flagellation.

I think we wander around some more, it would appear we may’ve exhausted what the baths have to offer, we wander. We did step into another bath inside, we talk floating and entrance phrases into an accent. For Northern Irish mine’s “mirror”. We also discuss the impossibly soft and comfortable duvets at home aka 42 Zichy Jeno Utca. I just got a little choked up at the mere mention of the place. I suspect that’s not so much to do with the trip as it is to do with what’s transpired in my life following it.

But that’s not why we’re here so back to the thermal baths!

Those unexpectedly comfortable duvets… somehow we got onto me making one. Issi concludes it would be constructed of marshmallow and stitched together with strawberry laces. You know what, I think I could construct such a quilt, one day. I ask if it’s for eating, she tells me “of course not, it’s a duvet!” I’m reminded of a raccoon washing his candyfloss only for it to dissolve, what I imagine would happen if a marshmallow duvet were to come into contact with a thermal bath.

We wander outside to see if the other end of the pool has anything exciting to offer. After a little sit down Issi spots the pool in the middle. See aerial view with red arrow below.

Red arrow game, on point
Issi enters with no apparent ill effect, I edge in and immediately lose my balance, swallow some water, before gasping and reorienting myself, she laughs. I may look imposing but at some point my bumbling nature will come to fore and you’ll lose any and all apprehension in that moment. We whirl around propelled by… intrigue. It’s not immediately apparent what’s causing the pool to whirl, then it hits us, jets. I bump into a dude, apologise profusely, he didn’t even notice.

Turns out you go faster if you face backwards, we’re dubious, it’s true! However everyone isn’t facing backwards, a crash is imminent, after a while we exit. Hang, chat, I ask if we can go back in. I realise that I don’t have to ask, I’m an adult after all, Issi states she’s become my mother in a way… let’s move on.

Back into the whirling centre. More people are getting involved, regardless of age their having a grand old time. Makes me smile, saw a bunch of older ladies giggling as they entered the spinning water. It’s getting crowded, I realise I can simply stand up to put the brakes on, the water’s about chest high. My exit was ill timed, instead of using the momentum of the swirling water to propel me out, I go the opposite way and exhaust myself.

There’s a freezing pool I enter, immerse myself to my neck, walk around and stride out. We check out if the on site restaurant is worthwhile, nah. Time to go, not before snapping a pic. There was a brief discussion before we got there about the legality of taking a photo in a public pool. I always air on the side of caution, but after witnessing many a young lady happily snapping away whilst keeping their phones out of the water, it would appear my caution was unwarranted.

We amble back indoors to the changing area, I flag down the lady who can open cabins, I show her the number ribbon thing that she gave me before. I’d assumed she’d take it from me, she didn’t. Issi grabs her phone and heads outside, I hold the fort looking suitably… something. I don’t think I’ve ever loitered, I’m sure I have but I felt very conspicuous standing in a locker room not doing anything. Issi returns we go get changed.

I haven’t figured out the mechanism the doors use, so I prop the door closed with my shoes. Once almost done a dude walks in on me, said dude apologises and explains the mechanism, awesome. I now understand it, I suspect I may never encounter it again. I gather up my things, assume Issi’ll take longer than me, and make use of the hair drying hoses. I also apply my moisturiser, it goes on weirdly, it would appear there is something already on the surface of my skin. Minerals from the thermal bath no doubt. I sit around, check my phone, sit around some more, grab a free plastic bag for my wet microfibre towel and shorts.

I suspect Issi may’ve beaten me out of the baths so I sheepishly head outdoors. There she is looking pensive, with dramatic hair, I am well jel. She’s messaged and called me, turns out the changing rooms are a bit of a mobile deadzone. We want pastry, onwards. I’d unintentionally stolen the number on a ribbon, I hand it to Issi. She says “memory box?” I reply “Sure…”
We walk, my back feels weird, I may’ve overextended myself in the baths. We find somewhere that looks likely. After a brief Googs I think I’ve found it, Nyreg. Cafe looking joint with some pastries that appear tasty. I go for some sort of dark chocolate thing with an espresso, they say they’ll bring our stuff out to us. We wander out, there’s ample seating but it’s shaded by the trees, we were looking to sit in a sun. Move a table slightly and problem solved, right? Wrong. A middle aged couple spot our failed sun seeking table manoeuvre and offer us their table in the sun. We thank them and sit.

The pastries and coffee arrives, Issi points out the resident cafe dog. I am off my face on excitement. No idea what we talked about. The pastry is good, the espresso reactivates my personality. We walk onwards, not before approaching the resident cafe dog and vigourously patting him on the head.

At some point Issi had asked me if I assumed all dogs were boys. After a brief reflection I tell her I did, perhaps because most dogs look boyish? She shoots back with “Millie is girly!” That she is, earnestly intense that girl.

Back to the day in hand, we stride back to the lake we’d mistaken for the mighty Danube. I capture a panoramic image. I intend to put it here:

FYI definitely not the Danube
We laugh and walk back, the mood is down. Last day in Budapest so it’ll be back to Blighty and reality soon enough. We walk past Terror Haza, once again on Andrassy, the Champs-Élysées of Budapest. We see a group of men, likely on a stag, riding a beer bike, it’s like a tandem but with more folks facing each other cycling and drinking. An interesting concept but sounds too much like hard work. My back still feels weird.

We get back home and I bust out some back stretches to loosen whatever’s wrong with me. I lay on the hard floor, I announce that to the uninitiated it would appear I am sulking as it’s our last day, she laughs. I text a work colleague about what we’ve been doing. I think I did some packing, so it wouldn’t be a mad dash last minute, our flight is early tomorrow morning.

After some time we gather our vigour and head back out. Issi needs a souvenir for sister Larissa, who is considerably taller than she is, fact. We walk down town and see meatology, the other big photo opportunity sign, the place where we pointlessly paid for a taxi. Well it wasn’t pointless, we were lost with no phones to fall back on. There are gift shops, tacky, touristy gift shops.

Ducking in and out of a few, same old, same old. The souvenirs are too useful/good/well made. The aim of the game is to come up with something that’s tacky as can be. There are Babushka dolls that are various world leaders, we get briefly excited. Before an employee tells us that they kindly request folks don’t open the dolls. But how would one know of the hilarity inside without opening them!? We rage quit the shop and move on.

There’s a high concentration of street food vendors ahead, we wander around and grab a beer. I was hoping it would be serve in the swing top bottles on display, alas as we get closer I spot a tap. Issi had seen it earlier but didn’t have the heart to shatter my swing top beer dreams. The beer may’ve been a mistake, it’s cold and the sun is obscured by the tall buildings. We spot some asian tourists having a picnic in a small patch of sun that has made it’s way between the buildings. We go and bask in it’s glow, the band is warming up. No idea what we talked about, possibly food, probably food.

Circling back in we check out the food on offer, I’m a little hungry, but I’ve gone with her gut so far. Partly because she usually picks better food than me, and partly because I am forever hungry, so I tend to overeat all too often. Burgers, meat, etc. Langos is what she springs for with garlic and cheese, I follow suit. We sit, eat, and chat, concluding that whilst the langos burgers of day 2 from Karavan were good these are likely more authentically Hungarian, if a little heavy on the garlic. I finish and observe some children being children. She offers me the rest of hers, as it’s too much. I decline as I’m strangely full, dun, dun DUN!

Time to resume our souvenir search for sister Larissa. We stride into a biggish shop, there’s loads on offer. Your usual tat, tacky but still functional. Candles, gigantic bells. Issi shows me a steel bangle with the public transport network of the city stamped on it, alas it’s the last day and this souvenir steel bangle is overpriced. Lots of generic things that just have “Hungary” or “Budapest” on them. I suggest a bunch of stuff, none of it is quite right. Then I see it.

It’s a small, badly hand painted magnet. I think there was a small fabric pepper attached to it. I’ve waited too long to write this and the detail of the trip is slowly but surely fading. Issi confirms that this could win the tacky souvenir war forever, I feel like I’ve finally added some value to this holiday. Souvenir purchased we’re back outside.

There’s a girl selling posters, postcards, art. It’s he own stylized take on parts of the city map. I want to buy them all but I know that I have nowhere to put any of them. Issi wants a postcard for her fridge. Issi rifles through a few, settling on one, I think it was red. The Danube… that’s not the Danube. Care to hazard a guess as to what she’d mistaken for the mighty Danube? It was of course the lake that was near the thermal baths. She takes it as a sign and buys the postcard.

We wander back, sort of in the direction of home. Stopping at a cafe for a hot drink. Hot chocolate for the lady and I think I went with a chai tea. I take a picture of the candle on the table. The waiter asks if we’d like to order a few times, Issi politely tells him we’re only here for a drink, and the ambience. We pay up and split.

The timeline gets a little muddled here, I’m not sure, mostly because there is little to no photographic evidence. We weren’t really sightseeing, thermal bathing and souvenir hunting. We swing by Tesco to pick up something caffeinated. We discuss the difference between coke zero and diet coke, caffeine content Issi informs, Googs confirms it. The mood is sombre, holiday blues are imminent. But we’re still here, so not yet.

We walk home, past the small homeless lady that we’d passed on most days. I give her all my change. Issi reminds me we’ll need change to buy bus tickets… We get home and chill, pack, chat, confirm key handover procedures. Tidy a little. Issi says she’s going to try and get to sleep, our flight was at 0635. The plan was to get up around 03:00, leave around 03:30, bus to the airport around 05:00. I put my headphones and drift off to sleep. It’s warm, I’m fully dressed.

The Other Days...😖
Day 1: Backstory, Burgers, Airport, Arrival, Bus, Metro, Unicum
Day 2: Builders,Terror Haza, Andrassy, Hosok Tere, Danube, Ruin Bars, Karavan
Day 3: Signature Stance, Buda Castle, Chimney Cake, Labyrinth, Wine Cruise
Day 4: Central Market, Columbo, Symphony, Araz Etterem, Giero, Martini
Day 5: Thermal Baths, Souvenir, Langos, Packing
Day 6: Bus, Plane, Pizza, EMA, Embarrassment, Yes