I've used this a couple of times before but I never get tired of it!
So what else get's me fired up to do something? Well I mentioned before about a line in Eminem - Lose Yourself:
"If you had one shot or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it or let it slip?"
Kinda links back to my previous post or posts I'm having troubling sifting what I've written with what I want to say. X-O it really is a wibblywob timeywimey thing. When I heard it, it shocked me into action. Even now if I remember/hear it I always wonder how many of these opps I've let slip through my fingers. But that's kinda defeatist thinking. Using the past for motivation is cool :-D But torturing myself with past failure? Seems a little loony when I look back. Don't miss them in the future! :D
So now on to some more obscure sources of inspiration.
So now on to some more obscure sources of inspiration.
Can you name these legends of the anime world? If you can then I'll buy you a beer, I'll limit this to the first 10 people who can name these dudes! Just to be clear that's first and last name :P
Let's kick things off with Rock Lee:
For the uninitiated Lee is from the popular Japanese manga series Naruto. His main thing is hard work, he doesn't know how to quit. The phrase used by his sensei, Maito Gai, is "genius of hard work". Not talented but works his ass off. I'd encourage you all to watch the anime. Watch out for filler arcs as they will no doubt bore you to death. These are mainly inserted to let the manga, comic, storyline get ahead.
Spoiler! So when we first see Lee he knocks ten bells out of Sasuke the guy that the main protagonist, Naruto, looks up to. But Lee was holding back. When he fights Gaara, the dude with all the sand, he lets loose. The fight showcases a lot of speed + skill that Lee has built up allowing him to overcome Gaara's seemingly impenetrable automatic sand defences. Oh yes Gaara controls sand and uses it as if it were an extra limb/s. He can also encase himself in it, sand armour!
Lee use certain techniques that allow him to push his body beyond it's natural limits. Muscles tear, metabolism increases to unsustainable levels etc. He is literally tearing his body apart to win. Lee performs an all or nothing attack that doesn't take Gaara down. Gaara is severely hurt though. Lee is out of juice and Gaara traps his arm and leg in sand and crushes them. Gaara is in full flow and ready to kill Lee, Gai steps in and stops the fight. Gaara quizzes him about why he'd do that? Gaara loses his patience and starts to walk off, exclaiming that he quits. This would leave Lee as the victor but seeing as Gai already intervened it's too late.
There are gasps from the assembled crowd. When Gai turns around he sees Lee standing up in his fighting stance. Gai explains to him that he's in no condition to carry on. He suddenly realises that Lee is unconscious! Even with his lights out Lee refuses to go down. If you want to watch the fight you can here it's an English dub so not ideal but still worth a watch :D
I was going to leave it at that but it hardly seems long enough, and I know you lot love to plough through masses of my mumbo jumbo, so I'll throw in another one.This questions is which one? Well I may as well go with the tale of two brothers who tragically lose their mother. You can see it all here This is of course the story or Ed and Al Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist. They live in a world within which science kinda exists but you can transform things into other things using alchemy. The primary rule of alchemy is toka koka in Japanese - equivalent exchange. So they gather together the ingredients required for making a human being:
- Water, 35 litres
- Carbon, 20kg
- Ammonia, 4 litres
- Lime, 1.5kg
- Phosperus, 800g
- Salt, 250 g
- Niter, 100g
- Sulphur, 80g
- Fluorine, 7.5g
- Iron, 5g
- Silicon 3g
- And fifteen other elements.
This is from the beginning of the story after Ed has become a renowned alchemist. The girl is hoping that by being devout to this particular temple the priest will be able to bring her dead fiance back to life. Ed launches into his list.
They researched Human Transmutation, a forbidden art in which one attempts to create or modify a human being. However, this attempt failed, resulting in the loss of Ed's left leg, and Al's entire body. What happens next pretty much brings a lump in my throat every time. 24 minutes? Can you spare that to see what I'm on about? If so watch it here :-D

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