Anyhow there are a load of films/TV series' I wish I could watch but I think I may have reached saturation point. Below is a list of films I've watched in the time I've been off. This isn't exhaustive as I am fully up to date with New Girl, Happy Endings and Apartment 23. Oh and I've caught up with Naruto and Bleach too :D
The Watch - Features Richard Ayoade, need I say more?!
Aeon Flux - Nice to look at, somewhat boring.
Skyfall - Javier Bardem really kills it, THAT VOICE!
Jack Reacher - Little predictible but I did actually gasp from time to time! Well worth a watch.
Chronicle - Amazing! Mystery unsolved!
The Dark Knight Rises - Good film, rip off of the Alabasta arc in One Piece:-O
Ted - Seth Mcfarlane is a genius.
Dredd - The Judge, end of.
Dark Shadows - Quite tedious till Jonny Depp. Are there any films he's in where he isn't sexy/kooky?
Pirates of the Carribbean: On Stranger Tides - I struggle to remember any of this film, may have been all the opiates in my system.
Green Lantern - I liked it
Men in Black 3 - Old school K is the dogs proverbials :D
So what would you do with your free time? Well I'm physically limited, as far as I'm gonna go so hurtling around doing back breaking labour and generally being a daredevil is out of the question :-(. But beyond that there are numerous skills I'd love to master e.g. cold reading, the memory palace, VBA! Plus there are soooo many books I want to read. I don't know what it is but once I arrived at this freedom all I found was frustration! There's a phrase from Wild Hogs of all films that springs to mind. Ray Liotta's character shouts angrily "YOU WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS KIND OF FREEDOM!"
I've arrived at some kinda freedom and have no idea what to do with it :-S. I have a focus, overcoming this particular physical limitation. But that's not full time there are fallow/rest periods. Also I don't sleep a lot so what the hell do I do!? The grass is always greener also leapeth forth.
Here's something weird for you, I woke up this morning with a real desire read Faust. German story of a dude who makes a pact with the devil, sounds a little like bedazzled to me. Anyhow I was determined to acquire it on Amazon, to the interweb! Do you folk believe in serendipity? Well as luck would have it there is a free kindle version of Faust available on Amazon! Now that sure is lucky right? It's a volunteer translations, akin to the fan translated manga I do so enjoy, so dunno how good it is. But here's where my luck stems from, last year I won my kindle in a Metro Radio competition!
I'm a lucky old soul but that doesn't stop me from slipping into the odd funk. Right now I've been given some freedom in exchange for losing something. You give and in exchange you get, or you don't X-D That's the madness here. Well maybe it's not so mad.
Say you give someone a kiss and you were expecting a kiss in return. Depending on who you kissed, time of day, weather or any given combination of variables you may receive a Glasgow variant in return. Now you did receive something in return but you may not want it or you may not be able to recognise it. There is also the fourth dimension to consider, time! Say you tend an apple tree for the first 2 years of it's life, you're motivation is to devour the tangy fruit it shall produce. After 2.5 years you give up and forget about the tree, 5 years pass. You come back and BOOM apples!!!

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