Do you see a pattern emerging? Now I realise my slacking off and refusal to tag all those included has dampened the reach of my ramblings. But I've become a recluse so I don't really interact with members of the public anymore. I wonder what will emerge from this cocoon of solitude I have encased myself within. It's not really solitude there's still Tim the dog. So the tune-age at the beginning, a wise man once said you can't beat a classic. So starting with one can't be all bad right?
This particular song has an undeniable upbeatness and I am an enormous fan of the remix with Q-Tip: Breathe & Stop. In my humble opinion Breathe & Stop doesn't stand up by itself. I've just listened to it again and it looks like I was remembering it through rose tinted glasses. Doesn't quite work rose tinted head/ear phones perhaps? It sound awful!
Whilst perusing facebook one day I saw this phrase:
A real man never hurts a woman. Be very careful when
you make a woman cry. Because God counts her tears. The woman came out
of man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be
superior. But from his side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected.
And next to the heart to be loved.
And I near enough exploded with outrage. Woah now woman upsetters everywhere don't make the ladies cry because God is watching! Now here's an offer for you, can you tell me where "God is watching!" is used as a punchline? Yes women have gotten the short end of the stick for centuries, millenia, maybe even longer! But I don't think scaring people into doing the right thing is the way forward.
If you're not nice then you'll likely find yourself alone!
This was the first tag line that came to mind. But then that kind of presupposes that everyone doesn't want to be alone and also plays off the fear of being alone. It was at this point I stopped trying to generate a snappy tag line to encompass why being nice is preferable to being a douche. Primarily it's a selfish thing. You're nice and so other people reciprocate, pretty much common sense. Doesn't tie in with the "bad boy" that tend to get all the action so I'm back to: I don't know what the right thing to do is! Perhaps a mass movement of women not willing to put up with nasty, abusive men would bear better results. But then again my old approach to abusive men was to punch them in the face or walk away laughing or grinning from ear to ear. I'm in a privileged position and have been able to resolve bad situations, previously through brute force and now by leaving the fool to carry on his farce.
One size doesn't fit all, so the question would require a generative approach to look at each situation individually before finding/identifying possible solutions. A question for someone much more able than I, I reckon. Reckon I...recognise!
Then I saw this:
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#eclectic |
This is every Johnny Depp character in one cosplay. A bold claim as he has 76 actor credits! I've only managed to count 14 elements to the outfit. Crow, bandanna, hair, glasses, spliff, bow tie, sheriffs badge, pocket watch, scissor hand, camera, coat, plus fours, odd socks, boots, belts? Ok that's 15 and I've given up trying to match the element to the film. But I did come across a porn star with the name Johnny Deep! I did not know IMDB covered porn. Every day is a school day I guess.
Ooh and during a brief meditation session something occurred to me. There is a theory that if you know the position and velocity of every atom in the universe then you can predict the future, Laplace's demon. It sounds so cool right? But with this in place it kind of throws free will out of the window and implies predeterminism. I should mention that I had recently watched Donnie Darko, yep a 13 year old film and I've only just gotten round to watching it. On a macro scale we don't really have much influence and I don't think we ever will.
For example in about 5 billion years, that's 5,000,000,000 years, the sun will start to die. Regardless of the advancements we make in technology I don't think we'll be able to do anything about it. The sun will die and unless we find/develop means to run away the human race will die too.
So whilst what we do day to day can be determined by ourselves e.g. toast or cereal, walk or drive, sit or stand etc. The regular, day to day, humdrum shtuff can be pondered and decided upon. But when we get to a scale, somewhere around our solar system, we are powerless to decide/influence anything.
It's around here that I kind of lost my mind. Feel free to skip up until the you see the bold red Ah.
That said physics is fighting to unify the enormous and the quantum. So that what applies to the very, very small can be stretched to the very big. My mind is rushing around searching for an answer that I can share. The rules/truth is going to be the same across the board, everything is made of the same stuff. I feel my madness leaking a little! Man is but a piece of earth that prances around for a bit before returning to the earth. That is to say every thing that is this body was gathered from the earth. First your mother ate, drank etc. and the food was digested and the nutrients fed to your foetus via the placenta. And as you got older you ate and drank, absorbing nutrients, growing. When you die what was absorbed from the earth will be broken down and reabsorbed. Unless you're frozen/embalmed etc.
So the rules that apply to us apply to them. By them I mean the planets, systems, galaxies etc. Scale defeats me. I am limited by the thinking of my time, what I have learnt and what is perceived to be possible. The realist tells me we will advance and learn to do wonderful things. But we will be limited.
But there is a dreamer a mad voice that sees that we will have the ability to create stars, planets etc. Not just create but rearrange, chop and change. Then there are the monstrosities that even light can not escape from, black holes. Infinitely dense, how can I perceive that! But there are many smarter than me. I take solace in that. I am about average, maybe a little above average but only because I've had some amazing people in my life pushing me to rise just that little bit higher.
Ah so free will! If we become able to influence the cosmos then I think we can safely say free will exists. But it could still all be an incomprehensible domino effect from beginning to end. I was about to launch into yet more back and forth. I'd have more than likely arrived at my usual position: I don't know!
MUSCLES GLASSES IS FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER! If you don't know who that is then what in tarnation have you been doing with your life! Something worthwhile and constructive no doubt :-P
Before I wrap this ill thought out ramble up here's some awesome car doodling: I do love a good doodle, as I went on about at some length here. If any enthusiastic doodlers would like to transform my car into a work of art that is still full functional then do get in touch!
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