Sunday 28 April 2013

Pizza on the 7th of April

After what seems an absolute age I made a pizza yesterday. Was feeling a little lazy so decided to let the bread maker do the kneading. The thing is that the recipe I follow for pizza dough is exact except for the amount of water I add.

So I go online and peruse several recipes before concluding they don't know what they are on about and make the dough by hand. I say I made the dough but Rajarajan actually did most of the work.

Those of you who have had one of my pizzas will know I like to add way too much cheese and this one was no exception. Brie, Camembert, Gorgonzola and cheddar! Following this cheese fest I went on to dream about seeing my dog walking underwater like a hippopotamus, being shirtless everywhere and having a 2 storey conservatory.

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